Intuitive Healing Connection
Energy Healing is a world where we face our issues to regain our power. In this podcast, Gina will dive deep into the world of Energy healing to help you heal your past and start to live a life of freedom. She will help you understand how to regain your power to live your best, most peaceful life.
Intuitive Healing Connection
Chronic Issues - How to Heal Anything Standing Between Living Your Best Life
Chronic Issues - How to Heal Anything Standing Between Living Your Best Life
Are you tired of settling for anything less than your best life? Even when doctors say this is it, or you're doing everything right, but you find yourself still struggling with debilitating symptoms.
It doesn’t have to be physical, either. This episode is dedicated to anything standing between you and living your best life!
We all have something that we struggle with – something that doesn’t go away like we want.
It’s time to become your biggest advocate and take control of your own journey.
In this episode, I share my 22-year-long journey with thyroid issues and cancer and how I refused to accept this was the end. I'll show you that there is always hope and provide actual steps to empower yourself to never give up on your dreams or your health.
So grab a seat, take some notes, and let's embark on this journey together toward living our best lives. Don't forget to subscribe to the Podcast for more inspiration!
Highlights you won’t want to miss:
- Are you following all the advice, but nothing seems to be improving? What you can do.
- Are your concerns disregarded?
- How to let yourself off the hook for decisions you make when it comes to your health and well-being.
- What it’s like to live with chronic health issues and how to harness hope.
- Can energy healing help with your repetitive problems? I share my thoughts.
- You attract clients that need to know what you just learned.
- Intuitive Emotional Healing – what is it, and where can you get some?
Get My Book: Fear Breakthrough: A Medium’s Journey to Embracing Spirit
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Podcast 31 final audio.mp3
Speaker1: [00:00:03] You are listening to the Intuitive healing connection. Hi, my name is Gina Strole and I am your host. I am best known as the down to earth intuitive healer. That doesn't sugarcoat the truth. Walk my clients through the healing process and help them heal from their past so that they can find. Enjoy again, if you are interested in healing your past. Tapping into your spiritual side to receive your own.
[00:00:31] Finding your. Govern your own wisdom. Then you are in the right. I am here to lead the way and help you discover. Hello, my friend.
Speaker1: [00:00:51] I'm so excited to have you here today and I am excited to share this week's message. So this week's episode has really been in the making for about 22 years now. And if you've been listening to me on social media, I've been talking about some things that have been going on in my life and that I was getting to the point where I was ready to share my story and share how I got from point A to Point Z, which is what it feels like because it's really been about 22 years in the making for this story today. So I have shared parts of my journey along the way, but it has really been a very frustrating. So what am I talking today about? Well, I'm talking about surviving chronic illnesses. I'm talking about surviving issues that are going on in your life, the physical elements that we all deal with. But maybe we can't find the right answers to or maybe we just don't know how to heal them. For me, that has been the case. It has been a struggle for me for many, many years now, and I'm going to share this struggle with you and share the things that I have done to get to where I am today. So this podcast today is for those who maybe haven't been able to find the answers, maybe have been to doctors over and over again, only to be told that there's nothing wrong.
Speaker1: [00:02:22] We don't know what it is. Maybe it's all in your head. You know, we get all the excuses when we go in. You know, for those of you who just haven't found your right doctor yet, who haven't found the right person, or maybe where Western medicine has failed you completely, maybe you put all your trust in them and wondered why you weren't getting the answers that you were looking for. That's what you've been told to do all these years is trust in that medicine. Trust in those people to give you the answers that you need. Because after all, they're supposed to know more than you, right? Well, I found out that isn't always the case. And I'm going to share all of that with you. Or maybe, you know, maybe you're not struggling with health issues at all, but you just haven't learned how to tap into who you really are yet. And this is all part of my story, part of my journey today. And I want to share that with you. And then at the end, I'm going to share some tips on how you can get the answers that you need. And today, yes. Is all wrapped around pretty much physical issues. But I want to show you how I got to where I am today. Now, I'm still not at the end today. I'll just tell you that like I'm not there yet. I'm getting closer. I'm a lot closer than I was even just a week ago.
Speaker1: [00:03:41] And, you know, I've been talking about this a little bit on social media and telling you, you know, the time when I like to share my story is kind of when I have hit that rock bottom, I've already hit that rock bottom and I'm on my way back up. That's when I like to share my story because at that point, you know, this isn't about you. Oh, my gosh, she's had such a rough life and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. You know, that's not what this is even about. To me, this is about sharing with you how I got from one point to the next, how I worked through the issues, how I found my results, and most importantly, how I used intuitive healing along the way to get me where I want it to be. And that message can go for anything that we go, anything that we struggle with in our life. I believe we can use these tools, these things that I have done over the years with anything, you know, not just physical health, you know, mental struggles, family issues. You know, we can there are certain things that we can do along the way to find our answers, to get what we need. And then, you know, hopefully in the end, figure out a way to get to the point where you want to be. So first off, what am I talking about today? I've had lots of struggles in my life.
Speaker1: [00:05:05] I won't lie. I feel like this lifetime for me has been a big struggle in some ways. In other ways it's been very freeing. It's been a very emotionally freeing lifetime for me. But I have struggled with health things, with physical body things pretty much my whole life. Know if you've listened? When I was young, I had a lot of hip issues. I've already had a hip replacement. I had a hip replacement at 29. You know, I had to find a doctor who would even do it. Most of them told me I was too young, even though I really wasn't walking and wasn't functioning. But I had it at 29 because of all of my childhood stuff. I was born with those hip issues, so it was something that I was born with. And but fast forward into my adult years, things got a little crazy. And about 22 years ago, I started off with this has been a 22 year story. About 22 years ago, I pretty much kind of everything kind of fell apart and I couldn't figure out what was going on. I was super tired. My hormones were all over the place. I ended up having a hysterectomy. You know, I had a lot I had a lot going on. And when that all fell apart, it took me. It has taken me a long time to get back to where I am today and to get my answers, because I couldn't nobody could really tell me what was going on.
Speaker1: [00:06:36] You know, a lot of people told me it was in my head. I needed to get my depression under control. And it it all seemed to kind of spiral out of control really fast. There was a time in there that I remember I had been to doctor after doctor after doctor. I was exhausted. I couldn't get my head up. I just didn't have I just didn't have what it took to function during the day. You know, I had little kids. I was tired all the time. I was emotional. It was just it was just a terrible place to be like. And I remember I finally someone had mentioned to me I'd probably at this point been to I don't even know how many different doctors and I even had one doctor told me that I needed to go get on psychotic meds because then that would take care of all my issues. And I believed him. That was the it's like I believed him, that that was my answer because I was so desperate. Maybe it is just a chemical imbalance and I need to just go, Well, it was a chemical imbalance, but that wasn't what I needed. I went out and saw a psychiatrist started taking the medicine. I was that desperate. I remember taking those meds for about three days and realizing that I was a zombie in three days.
Speaker1: [00:07:53] And so it it reminded me I quit taking them, obviously, and I realized I hadn't those weren't my answers. That was not my answers. Now 22 years ago. I wasn't listening to myself like I am today. I wasn't tapping into myself and asking myself, Is that the right thing for me to do? I was a little bit I was starting to learn those things. I was really. But I wasn't doing it like I am today. And so it was really kind of a rough it was a rough patch there for a while. And finally someone mentioned a place called Genesis Medical to me and I remember calling them and I finally got a few answers from them. I went out, I did a bunch of blood work with them and realized that I had some thyroid stuff going on. I had hormone. Because of that, my hormones were out of balance. Everything was kind of like just all off. It was just completely off. And so I worked with them for a little while and felt like that I had kind of gotten things under control. But then back in 2015, a lot of you have heard me talk about if you've been following me for a while, that was kind of our year from hell. Anybody ever had a year from hell? 2015 was our year. And it was a really it was a really rough year.
Speaker1: [00:09:18] Our oldest daughter, she moved back home. She got a divorce that year. As soon as she moved back home, she came home and started doing some. Going out and seeing doctors and getting some things done. She had some health issues going on and found out she had thyroid cancer. She had her thyroid removed. I also, because of her stuff, found out that I had thyroid cancer as well. So you see, I really hadn't taken care of the issue and ended up having my thyroid removed. Then we had my father in law passed away that year. My husband also found out he had some major issues going on and he was just really one of those years that by the end of the year I was just done. Like I remember being grateful for my year because I learned a lot that year, but I was just glad to be done. But I also was feeling like shit because once you take your thyroid out, that is your whole backbone. I call it like the motherboard in the computer. You know, it's one thing to have it not functioning properly, but it's still there doing some work. But to have it completely taken out is a life changing event. And looking back, if I had it to do over again, I would never do that. I would have fought tooth and nail. I would have found different ways. But, you know, my daughter had hers was golf ball size, you know, on her neck.
Speaker1: [00:10:51] You could see it on her neck. It was it was really quite obvious that there were some things going on. And, you know, they start throwing those words out to you that you've got cancer and that they found cancer. And, you know, you get a little scared and and you do. I listen to what the doctor told me and said, you know what? I think this is what we need to do. And so I did. I hurried it along a little bit, which I'll tell you about later because I got, um, later on, I was like, why the heck did you do that? Because I was still I was working full time. I was trying to help my daughter through her stuff. Usually they do a thyroid taking out your thyroid. They do it in two sections. Usually they'll do half and test it. And then if they find more cancer, then they'll take out the other half. My daughter did that. She went through and had two surgeries and I just said, I can't do that. If you found if you found cancer in mind, let's just take the whole thing out later on. I could kick myself for making that decision because I was the one that said, hey, let's just get this over with. Like, and at the time it seemed reasonable. It seemed, you know, like that was something to do.
Speaker1: [00:12:04] But several years down the road, I was like, What the hell were you thinking? But I've had to come to grips with the fact that at the time, with the information that I had, I made the very best decision that I knew how. And I remember having my surgery and four weeks out feeling worse than I have ever felt in my whole life. I couldn't walk out my back door. I was completely exhausted. My doctor is telling me, here, just take this little bit of thyroid medicine and you'll be fine. People live like this all the time. It's going to be okay. And I'm you know, I used to be very active. I, I was biking. I was doing some big things. And since then, I have done less and less. Things have gotten a lot harder. And I would go see the doctor. We don't know what's wrong with you. Your TSH is fine. Are you taking your meds? They would tell me, Are you taking your medicine? Are you taking it correctly? Because with thyroid medicine you're supposed to take it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach for it to work the very best that it can. And I was I was I was doing that. I have always been very faithful about that because I don't like feeling like shit and I'm doing all these things and nothing is working and now my hair is falling out.
Speaker1: [00:13:27] I am dog dog tired like the tiredest you can ever even imagine. I don't even know how to explain it to you. I was thinking about my symptoms the other day and I was like, My legs are heavy. I don't know if you understand that feeling, like I'll go to walk up the stairs and I'm like, Oh my gosh. It's like I'm picking up concrete cinder blocks all the way up the stairs. That's what it feels like for me in that tired space. And I've been here for the last eight years. And I've been to doctor after doctor. I've had doctors tell me that it's not that big a deal. You just need to take your medicine. I've had other doctors tell me that I'm not doing it right, that I should be doing something different. Meanwhile, I'm packing on weight. I'm not. Only am I tired, my hair is falling out, my hair is brittle. It'll just break off wherever. Wherever. And. And I've got all these symptoms going on. My skin's changing my. I'm just dog tired. Literally. Dog tired is probably the biggest one. Um, as things progressed and went on, I got to the point where I was having severe body pain and I was actually I would walk and just fall. I didn't have the muscle strength anymore. I had lost a lot of my muscle strength. Last summer, I fell off my deck.
Speaker1: [00:14:53] I went to take a step and my leg just rolled out from underneath me. I fell off my stairs, down my deck, banged up my arm. I looked like I had been in a major car accident. It was terrible like. And it hurt. I didn't break anything, but I might as well have because I sprained my ankle severely. I banged up my arm and my elbow. I couldn't. I had finally gotten back into riding my bike and I couldn't ride my bike because it hurt so bad to hold on to the handlebars and go over all the bumps. And I remember thinking last summer, I this does not look good. I can't walk anymore. I don't want to get out of bed. I'm just in this really, really low place and I'm going to the doctors. They're telling me it's in my head. They're telling me that it's my deal, that it's my fault, that I'm not doing something right. You must not be eating correctly. You must be you know, you should cut out this. You should do that. And I remember thinking, this has to be there's a different answer I'm missing something. I'm completely missing something. And a few years ago, before all of that happened last summer, I had actually started seeing a person who. I don't even know what you call it. Anyway, they electronically check you to see what vitamins, what minerals you need, what things can help you absorb your medicine better.
Speaker1: [00:16:20] And I had started doing that and actually had some hope on the on the horizon. I had actually brought in some other people to into my team a couple of healers. I had brought in another person who does body talk like I had brought in all these different avenues to try and figure out. And and all this time I had been doing healing on myself. I had been working on my thyroid. I had been working on, you know, why I got there to begin with, Because, you know, we can have these physical issues, but there are emotional and spiritual and mental and all those things behind it that got us where we are, because I have 100% believe that we energetically get there first before we're at the point where, you know, things need to be taken out. And I, I didn't realize it, but, you know, my daughter's type one diabetic, it's all autoimmune disease. All the thyroid stuff is all autoimmune. So it's definitely hereditary. It definitely runs in the family. And so we had that going for us, too. And I won't lie, I was starting to like wonder, does intuitive healing really work? Because I'm really not getting the answers that I'm looking for. And, you know, I'm trying everything at this point. I'm grasping straws. I can't figure it out. I've done all this healing work and there was times that I was like, I'm putting intuitive healing out to people and does this really is this really what I should be doing? Because I'm kind of second guessing myself right now.
Speaker1: [00:17:57] And it was there were some low days in there. There were some very low days in there. But it all kind of came to a head here just a few months ago. And I remember telling my guys, there has to be something better than this. Got to figure this out. I want my life back. I want me back. I want to feel good. I want to be able to get in and do my business. I had noticed even in my business, I was. It's not that I let things go. It's just that I was slowing down, which in the real big sense, there's nothing wrong with that. But I was slowing down because I was so freaking tired. And that's not okay with me. That's not okay. If I want to slow down, I want to slow down so that I can go do other things have because I'm trading time to go do something else. And that wasn't okay with me. And so I had spent a lot of time in healing and meditation. You know, during all this time, I've learned I can't tell you how many different healing modalities I went in and bought other healing practice modalities, learned how to use them, was using them on myself, started using them in my practice.
Speaker1: [00:19:12] So all along the way it was like these stepping stones to where I was heading. And if I, you know, looking back now, I can say, Oh my God, that's why we went through all of that, because along the way I gathered all of these little steps, all of these new tools, all of these new things that I was also helping clients with, because guess what kind of clients are coming to me? Those who are having severe physical things that are going on in their life that are debilitating and they're coming to me to help them. Meanwhile, I'm like, am I the right person to do this? Well, hell yes. Now I know. Is like, who else is going to help them? Nobody understands what it's like to be in that place unless you've been there. You know, I even had we were talking to some people last night. We went to my husband and I went to dinner and we saw a couple that we haven't seen for a long time. They just happened to be at the same place we were at. And we were just talking to them for a minute. And, you know, I even mentioned to them they were asking me about my kids because our kids grew up together. And I told them that my daughter was diabetic. She was diagnosed. And she was like, Oh, well, that's easily managed. And I didn't say anything, but I thought, you know, that's easy for someone to say when they're not in the middle of it, because I've watched her struggle as well, too, and I've watched her go through so many health issues at such a young age.
Speaker1: [00:20:43] She wasn't diagnosed until she was 17. So you know, we looking back, we're like, oh, my gosh, we could have caught that so much earlier, but we didn't know. You know, we didn't know until her body went into total shutdown mode. And then we figured it out pretty quick. It didn't take long at that point because she was it was serious at that point. But anyway, I. Back to where we were at. So it's been really interesting because I've been sitting with my guides and doing all of this new healing work and really questioning and wondering what do I need to do next? What can I do? Because there has to be something better than this. And it's really interesting to me when we get to that point where we're just done and you almost have to just turn it over and say, you know what? Show me the way. Show me the way. Well, it was about that time that I had really started kind of not really walking away from Facebook, but I had really started focusing my efforts over on TikTok, on my social media, over on TikTok. And, you know, Facebook has changed a lot of things. They're censoring a lot of things.
Speaker1: [00:21:54] You know, you've been following me and you were following me on Facebook. I'm sure you heard a lot about it. It's not that I'm not on Facebook anymore. I'm just focusing my efforts more over on TikTok. But because of that, there was no coincidence because I moved over on TikTok. And when you have your business on on these social media platforms, you start spending a little more time there and you start seeing what's on there, what's trending, and you start really paying attention to what's on there. And I had this lady, lo and behold, show up in my TikTok who was talking about functional thyroid and the new ways to to deal with thyroid patients. Coincidence? I think not. Do you know how many people are on TikTok? Do you know how many videos you actually see of the people who are on TikTok? And it just kept coming. And I would open up my TikTok and there she was again and she was doing Alive. And she was talking and I'm listening to her and the bells are going off. Oh, my God. Somebody gets it. This lady freaking gets it. Not only does she get it, she's a thyroid patient herself and has been struggling. She's even a physician's assistant and has still struggled with the same things that I have struggled with. Because honestly, what Western medicine has failed us in a lot of ways. Yes, I just said that out loud.
Speaker1: [00:23:30] Western medicine has failed us in so many ways, and I don't know about you, but I believed that it was the answer for a long time. And after finding this lady, I went through a period of time where I kind of kicked myself in the ass because I thought, How did you spend so much time? And and. And it felt like a waste of time to me for a minute, listening to that when there was so much more to it. You know, I've had people tell me, well, I don't know what your problem is. You just take a pill every day and it's fine. It is not the same as having a functioning thyroid. And now I understand. No, it's not the same because there are different types of thyroid hormone that your body needs. And I wasn't getting it all. Eddie was, like, loud and clear to me listening to this lady. And I. I couldn't believe it. I had waited so long to get this little bit of information. But the other part of me was like, we finally are on the right path. And luckily I had had one of my friends, she's my friends who had went back and become a physician's assistant and was open to helping me and opening to learning, because without that, I wouldn't be able to to take care of all of this. Anyway, after listening to this lady, I changed my medicine.
Speaker1: [00:25:01] I did it all on my own. I called my the physician's assistant asked her for help, asked her if she would help me. She said, absolutely. Let's start trying it. Well, we don't know anything about dosing. Nobody knows anything about dosing. So it's been it's been kind of trial and error. But literally from the minute that I added back in this thyroid medicine that I was missing, it has completely changed, turned my life around. And not only that, I like, oh my gosh, all this time I thought that it was my fault. Isn't that interesting? How many of us think, you know, I've been told for so long that, no, this is your deal. You got to fix it. You're just not doing what you need to do to keep yourself healthy. And I realized that was bullshit. Complete utter bullshit that I had been taking care of myself the best that I can. It's hard when you're in the funk and the brain fog and things aren't functioning correctly. I had literally went eight years longer than that. If I would have had just a little bit of two, three. 8 or 20 years ago, it would have made a huge difference in my life. I probably wouldn't have ended up where I was at getting needing to have my thyroid taken out. But because I'd been so long deprived from that, there were a lot of there's a lot of things that are going on inside of me that are probably going to take a minute.
Speaker1: [00:26:34] To level back out. But for me to find that information. This lady teaches a class. I jumped in, I went and I bought the class. I've been taking the class. You meet with her? This is where education is 100% needed. You know, nobody has the places that I was seeking. The answers were not there. They just weren't there. And this lady wasn't around when I needed the answers. All these years ago, I would have loved to have had her. Even eight years ago. That would have been lovely. I'm listening to her now going, Oh my gosh, where were you all these years ago? So, you know, it is so important to keep trying. It is so important to keep going. Now, I'm not at the end of this yet because I have deprived my body for so long. It's going to take a while. It's going to take a minute. But I'm grateful for the people who have come in along the way. I'm grateful for this beautiful PA who has stepped in. I'm grateful for this lady on TikTok for having the courage to step out there and talk to people. You know, she's on there just about every night now. It's great. She'll do Q and A's for people. She goes on there and she just talks and she just helps people because she knows that Western medicine has failed so many with thyroid conditions.
Speaker1: [00:28:00] Now, does it suck to have to take medicine for the rest of your life? Yes, But you know the right kind of medicine and what you need to do with it. You know what? It's going to be okay. It's going to be okay. So, you know, for me, I wanted to tell you, you know, what are some of the things I've talked about it a little bit. What are some of the things that I've done along the way? You know, for me, 100% healing. I told you, they're in the middle. It got a little milky. Like, I'm like, Is this really working? I realized once I added that medicine in how quickly my body responded very quickly. I don't think it would have done that had I not been doing all the vitamins and minerals and doing all the things along the way. Had I not been eating differently and feeling differently and drinking and doing things that were in line with what my body needed. And hadn't been doing my healing along the way. Because even this morning I got up and I wiggled my toes and I was like, oh my gosh. Do you feel that the inflammation has been so much in my body? I have had so much inflammation. Everything I have done has not worked. This one thing worked. You know, I had people tell me, you need to go see an autoimmune specialist.
Speaker1: [00:29:20] You need to. And I just kept saying, no, you know what, I need to get my thyroid figured out and then I'll take care of what is left. And that has been my goal. You know, in the middle of this, I was supposed to go have another hip replacement last year and I opted to wait because I thought, no, all of this body aches, all of this inflammation is contributing to what's going on in there. And I'm going to figure this stuff out. I'm going to figure it out. Now, if I couldn't walk, I definitely would have had the surgery. But it was just getting to the point where we were starting to be really bothersome. And so I opted to wait for a little while and see what's left after I get the thyroid figured out, because that's been my main goal, you know, getting the inflammation down in my body, really working with my body, doing healing on my body every single day to get that inflammation down. So I believe the vitamins and that intuitive emotional healing have really been what has set me on a path so that when I did find the answer, it all just clicked in. It all just clicked together. So, you know, if you're struggling, if you're someone like me who has been struggling and can't find your answers, medical or otherwise, what can you do? Well, the first thing is don't give up.
Speaker1: [00:30:40] Please don't give up. There were so many days that I wanted to give up, and I'll even share a real personal story when I was this class that I have been taking. You know, we log on every Thursday. We get new new classes that come in every Thursday and we go in and watch the videos. And I couldn't get through this one video. And it was all about how the brain and the thyroid hormones work together. You know how the brain tells the body how much thyroid to produce and and then whether or not you're getting T3, T4, it's this whole big, this whole big kind of a boring dry video. And I tried to watch it. It came out on Thursday. I tried to watch it over the weekend. I just couldn't do it. And I got up Monday morning and I'm supposed to be teaching my VIP class. And I thought, well, I'll just quickly watch this video before I go. I'm getting ready so that I can have that one done. I wanted to stay caught up and get that done. And so I started watching this video and it's boring and I can just feel all this emotion rising up out of the depth of nowhere. And suddenly I am pissed. I am so angry. I am so frustrated. I am so beyond just mad, just mad. I'm mad at myself for not listening. I'm mad at the medical field for not listening.
Speaker1: [00:32:16] I was mad at myself that I didn't find something sooner and that I had spent all this time, you know, scrapping, spinning my wheels, basically. I mean, I can't tell you how much time I spent going, Well, this is just the way it is. I was told that so many times, Gina, This is just the way it is. This is just what you're going to have to deal with. Some people just have to deal with hard things. And meanwhile, I'm thinking, you know what? I don't even walk my dogs anymore. I do nothing because I do not have the energy to do it. And to have someone to sit there and tell you, you know what, this is just the way it is. That gets old real fast. And I was angry. I was angry. And my husband had been out. He's studying to get his pilot's license. He'd been out flying that morning and he came home right before I got ready, right before I went up to teach my class. And I'm just bawling. And he's like, Gina, what the heck is going on? And I said, You know what? I am so mad. And I started telling him and he's like, And I said, I didn't do anything about it. And he's like, What do you mean you didn't do anything about it? How many doctors have you been to? How many people have you asked? How many different practitioners? How many different people have you went to see? How many different healing modalities have you tried? And I was like, Oh, you're right.
Speaker1: [00:33:37] You know, it's really easy to forget that that's where we were. It's really easy to forget, especially as time goes on and we want to beat ourselves up. I wanted to blame myself. Are there things that I probably could have done differently? Yes. But I didn't have the tools. I didn't have them then. I do now, but I didn't have them then. And so it was really good to sit and talk to him. I was so glad because my VIP ladies were running late. All of us were running late that morning. Do you think that's a coincidence? Give me a minute to kind of pull myself back together. Not that I don't show them this side of me, but we were talking about different healing modalities and what to do that day. And I was like, Come on, Jeannie, you got to pull this back together and know that it's okay. We're going to be fine. At least we have the tools now to do what we need to do. And I do. I have the tools now to do what I need to do. I have the people in place. I have the team behind me so that I can get where I need to be. And it's crazy how it works. So, you know, we we need to fill all of those feelings.
Speaker1: [00:34:44] Don't shove those things down. If there's one thing that I teach, it's one thing that I preach. It's one thing that I. You know what? You are allowed to be mad, angry, upset, whatever you need to do. Because to me, that's part of my healing process. You know, those tears, that anger, that that was all part of me releasing all the last 22 years of bullshit in my life. And it's okay. It's okay. You need to do that. You know, we get so mad at ourselves because apparently we're not ever supposed to have emotions or feelings. That's ridiculous. You're human. You're going to have them fill them. Do it, bawl, scream, do what you need to do, and then pick yourself back up and promise yourself that you're going to do the very best that you know how. That's all you can do. So get help. Go wherever you are guided. One of the biggest things that I learned is. To tap in and listen to myself. And even in all these practitioners that I've went to and people that I've went to see, you know, if they would tell me, you need to go see this doctor. And that didn't feel right to me, I wouldn't do it because they want to shove you off to all these specialists. Well, I've done the specialist thing. I know it's a complete waste of time, and I did kind of give in a little.
Speaker1: [00:36:03] It was about a year ago. I guess I kind of gave in and I went and I met with a new I met a new doctor again for she went to go see an endocrinologist. And so I did. It was the biggest waste of time. And I and I had that feeling I knew. But I was like, You know what? Okay, I'll just try again. I'll try one more time. You know, we did $900 worth of bloodwork and didn't find a damn thing. Seriously. It's because we're not doing the type of blood work that we need, you know, in the thyroid world. Most doctors will go do a TSH and if you're lucky, you'll get a T4. They never check T3 because they don't know how to deal with it and they don't know what to do with it. And that is the missing link right there. That is the missing link. And for people with graves and for people that have all these other thyroid issues, I'm having a brain fart on what the other one is called. But Hashimoto's, those those require two separate tests that most doctors won't do either. They won't do a full thyroid panel. I had to beg, plead, please do. What's the full thyroid panel? They don't they don't know what it is. You're not getting the information that you need by the testing that they're doing. So if you're someone out there who is struggling with thyroid stuff, you know, find someone who will work with you, Find someone who is on your who will be on your team.
Speaker1: [00:37:29] When I met with this new person that I'm working with, the first thing she said to me is, Gina, you have to become your own advocate. And I said, I know. I've realized that, you know, I sat back and waited for someone to come in and heal me for so many years and it didn't work. It's the same thing in the healing world. You can wait for someone to come in and heal you. But it's not going to work. Nobody can come in and do your work for me. And it's the same thing in this thyroid world. The medical field is not going to save me, damn it. Right. Like we trust them. They're supposed to. You know, I have a real big opinion on I have for many years, but with Covid and everything that went down, it really deepened that belief for me even more. And I think overall in general, I think we're all kind of realizing that, you know, they're not they don't know it all. They don't know it all. And. And they're not meant to know it all. That's just it. I think we have to take our own health, our own issues into our own hands and try and learn as much as we can.
Speaker1: [00:38:42] And if you can't get help from one doctor, fire them and go get another opinion. We get so hung up and think, Oh well, they're the only local one or they're only no. Fire their ass and go get another one. Find someone who will work with you. To me, I have found that the PA is will actually work with you better than the MDs will, and so they're a little more willing to try a few things. But you also need to get educated and figure out what's going on. What is what does your body need, why is it breaking down? And we can do that intuitively too. For me, the lady that I see now, she's also very intuitive, which is nice because she will ask me, What do you think? Do you know what that's like? As a patient who hasn't been asked all these years, what do you think that's priceless to me. It's like, no, I don't feel that. That's my answer. Can we try this? Sure. You know, it's like. But you've got to find someone who will be on your team and who will help you. So don't give up. Please listen to yourself. If it's not for you, it's not for you. So it's okay to say no. It's okay to say you don't want to do that. It's okay to feel in it. It's okay to say, let's not do that. But maybe we could try this if you have a different idea.
Speaker1: [00:40:05] Shut out all the road noise. You can find whatever you want on the internet. You can believe whatever you want to believe. The way that I kind of sift through all the information because there is so much out there. What rings true for you? You know, so many times we just listen to other people and believe what they tell us. Instead of asking yourself, does that ring true? For me, this is where developing your intuition to me becomes priceless because you can use it in all steps of life if it's not for your medical stuff or your family stuff for your kids, for whatever it is for you, you know, Should I eat this today? Is this honoring for me to have is this okay for me to have like whatever you want when you start asking yourself and tapping into is this right for me? Then you can start getting somewhere. So really, you know, find your truth, find what works for you. Because I don't care for all human. And we all have this. We don't all tick the same. If we did, we wouldn't need all this garbage. We would just know that this is what we do. And we don't work that way. We never work that way. We all have different things going on. We all have different issues. So really start to listen to yourself. Sort of mind your own truth and start to tap into what do you need? What do I need to do to get better? You're smart, so trust yourself.
Speaker1: [00:41:42] Find a healer hands down. Find a healer that you trust. I hope that it's me. I would love to work with you. I understand so much of the things that we've been through on so many aspects. I share a lot of my struggles. I share a lot of things that I've been through. I've been through a lot of mental health issues, both with myself and my family. A lot of it's because of my physical stuff. Like I've been through a lot of physical stuff. I've been through a lot of emotional stuff I've been through, and I understand the healing world really well. And so but, you know, find someone who here again is where you're going to trust yourself. And it was really interesting. I was thinking this week, I'm like, I want I wanted to bring another healer on to my team and I'll show you how this works. Okay. Not to kind of get off too far here, but I just this past week I was like, you know what universe? This is what I need. And I put it out to the universe. It was crazy because I get emails from people all the time, either wanting to collaborate with me or wanting to be on my podcast. I get these emails a lot and I get this email and I didn't think too much of it because she was asking me to collaborate with her and I opened it up and I read it and I thought, You know what? I'm going to do this, and I don't usually do that.
Speaker1: [00:43:10] I'm going to. She had a link right there to schedule a time with her. I was like, You know what? I'm going to see if we have a time because my schedule is complicated. And I was like, Maybe we'll see if we can. Sure enough, I could I could schedule with her. And I did. I scheduled and I met with her. And the minute that we got on the Zoom call together, we were doing just a 15 minute get to know you. Talk about what she wanted from me and to see if we were a good fit. And I heard, Here's the person that you need. I heard it plain as day. Well, all I did is send it out to the universe. This is what I need. And it fell in my lap. It's kind of like the same thing with the tick tock lady. You know, it just kind of fell in my lap. That's when you know you need to pay attention. A lot of times we put that off and I scheduled another appointment with her as soon as we were done with the call. I did some other things with her, like it was like, now I'm going to listen to that and I'm going to follow it through because I think she's what I need.
Speaker1: [00:44:08] And so we have to be open to hear those kind of things and to really find somebody that you're comfortable with. Put it out there. Who do I need? Who do I need in my life right now and see what comes around? You know, if you're it may be an email, it may be a social media video. It may be somebody that you just starts popping up in your news feed. I've had that happen a couple of times now for me. Well, more than that, like all of a sudden I ask a question. This is what I need, Universe, bring it to me. And suddenly people just start coming out of the woodwork. I start getting emails that I don't even know where I got. How did I get on her email list? It just kind of happens. I need to pay attention to that. So do you. So watch for those kind of things. And all healing is energetic first. This is kind of my final thought here. All things start energetically before they turn into physical issues. You know, sometimes you just got things that you come here with and you're just going to have to to do your best and learn from them. So remember that as you're doing this, it's great to go do all these physical things, but to me, really getting down to the nitty gritty of energy.
Speaker2: [00:45:22] Um, you know, I love teaching.
Speaker1: [00:45:23] People this last week in my VIP class. Well, last couple of weeks, we've been talking about different healing modalities and how they can heal themselves. Because it's not just about emotional healing, although that is a big part of what's going on. But there's also bringing in different healing energies and allowing your body to do what it naturally is designed to do. And when you can learn all of those types of things and really rely on that and trust it and use it in your everyday life, it's going to make a big, huge difference in how you feel, how you react, how you deal with everything that's going on around you. That's been my one saving grace. It literally has been my saving grace to know that I can go in, I can help my body along the way. I can call in these healers and these guys and these people who are on my team and they can help me. They can help me heal my body because that's what I'm here to do. I know this is part of my growth and my learning. And if you are someone who's struggling with this kind of stuff, I know it's part of yours, too. It's not easy. It kind of sucks shit. But I have learned so many things along the way and I would not be where I am today had I not went through all of this. And it's not over. I've still got a lot of healing to do. I've realized because of the years and it has been years of my body not having what it needs. It's going to take a while, but you know what? I'm feeling tons better and I will continue to go and push through.
Speaker1: [00:46:52] One thing that I really didn't mention that I have done before I was so against. I didn't want to take all of the medicine. I just didn't want to do it. And I finally realized last year, you know what, Gina? If you're going to get out of your hole, you need to get your body feeling better. And whatever that takes, that's what you're going to do. Whatever that is, do it. And I would feel Intuit, of course, this is where I ask myself. But, you know, the body aches and pains and the stiffness and the swelling, and that was really tough to deal with. And I finally just decided, you know what? I need to do something about that so that I can get my life back and do it. You know, we need to maybe check our belief systems, check where you're at, you know, is there something that you can do that you're really you're pushing away from for some reason from fear? Because that's usually what it is for me. That's what it was. And it was like, you know what? No, I'm going to and and I go through different ways. You can ask you can do pendulum work with that and ask your body if this is something that it really needs. You can sit with it in meditation and see how it feels. I do healing work on a lot of the medicine so that my body takes what it needs and leaves the rest behind.
Speaker2: [00:48:06] You know, there's.
Speaker1: [00:48:07] Sometimes there's side effects that go along with it, you know, a little Reiki healing to it, give it a little Shazam, and then take the medicine and see if it doesn't help with your side effects and help with those other things. A lot of times the risks are, you know, we just get scared. We just get scared. And I think we really need to start tapping into ourselves and asking ourselves, what does my body need? What is my physical body need so that it can heal? You know, what can I do to help myself feel better and then do those things. Even if it's short term, that's fine. Do it and allow yourself that opportunity to step out of that fear and allow yourself that opportunity to feel better. You know, I tell people this when they come with me and they're so depressed and they're in the clouds and a lot of them are like, I don't want to take medicine. There's a time and a place for everything. I believe. I believe we need parts of Western medicine. Even though I've sat here and told you they're missing out on a lot, they are missing a lot. But I believe there's parts of it that we can use sometimes. And, you know, we should take advantage of that. And for me, when I have people come to me that are severely depressed, I'm like, you know what? You feel into it and you do what's right. But I think there's a time and a place you don't have to do it forever. But I think there's a time and a place for everything.
Speaker1: [00:49:26] We have all of these resources. Reach out, feel your resources, what works best for you, and then use them and let the fear go with them. Trust that you know what? You will get exactly what you need and you can leave the rest behind. So I hope this has been helpful for you today. You know, I know in sharing my story that there are other people out there who have suffered that are going through the same things. Maybe it's not thyroid, maybe it's hormonal disorders. You know, maybe it's other things that are going on. I hope today that by sharing my story, it gives you hope. Don't give up. There are other options. There's other things that we can do. And there's so many places for you to get help. Start reaching out. Start asking for help. Start getting what you need so that you can start feeling better so that you can get where you want to be. It's hard to have hope when you're in the hole so bad that you don't you don't think there's any help for you. That's a terrible place to be, but there always is. I'm always here for you. I'm always happy to help, even if you just have questions. What did you do? Who did you use? Where did you go? You know, you can always reach out to me. We can always chat because I'm happy to help you with anything that I know, anything that I can do to help get you going in the right direction. I would be honored to do that for you. So don't give up.
Speaker1: [00:50:54] There's always hope. Know that I love all of you. Grateful that you're here. And just a quick side note. We have started putting full podcasts on YouTube. So if you want to watch me instead of listen to me, you can grab that on YouTube and get the resources that you need. So I thank you for listening. I thank you for being here. I hope this has been helpful. I would love to hear your story. You can email me again. Share your story with me. I'd love to hear what you have done. If you're struggling, if you're still in the middle of it. Share your story with me and let's chat because I'm here to help. I am here to serve and I am here. I know that I go through the things that I go through so that I can help other people go through them as well. So I love you all. Thank you for listening today, and I hope you have a marvelous day. And much love. Happy healing to you. Bye bye for now. I sincerely hope you enjoyed today's episode. I love connecting with my people. So if you would like to get in touch with me, you can email me at Gina stroll@gina.com. You can find me on Facebook and Instagram and on YouTube as Gina Stroll, Intuitive Healing. And of course, if you have any interest in anything that we talked about today, all of my stuff is available on my website at wltx.com. And again, thank you for joining me and can't wait for us to connect up again. Have a great day.