Intuitive Healing Connection

How Your Inner Child Helps Heal Your Physical Body

Gina Strole Season 1 Episode 32

How Your Inner Child Helps Heal Your Physical Body

Are you ready to start healing from the inside out? It all begins energetically, and our inner child holds the key to unlocking that healing power. 

As children, we were often told to quiet down or hold in our emotions. But that just creates pent-up energy and pain that lingers into adulthood and can manifest as physical symptoms in your body. 

I don’t mean that you’re doing anything wrong! I know I wasn't given a manual on how to handle my feelings, but working with my inner child has been the most powerful tool in my spiritual journey. And it's the same for many of my clients. 

So, if you're ready to start experiencing real results in your physical and emotional health, take the first step and connect with your inner child. Trust me, the healing is worth it.

If you're looking for ways to recognize when your inner child needs you to listen and how to connect with them to heal, then you don't want to miss out on this episode.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • Our emotions are stored in our bodies when we're hiding from something, and sometimes our egos get in the way of feeling the pain we need to process to heal. 
  • Your ego doesn’t want you to feel pain! Even if it ends up causing you more pain in trying to protect you – crazy, right?!
  • It can be challenging to find the right way to take care of ourselves energetically, but it's crucial to listen to our inner child when they're screaming for attention.
  • As someone who has struggled with this myself, I've developed a 20-year self-care ritual that's been transformational in my healing journey. 
  • Steps you can take to start healing with your Inner Child TODAY. 


Podcast Episode 31: Chronic Issues - How to Heal Anything Standing Between Living Your Best Life

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Podcast 32 Final Audio.mp3

Speaker 1: [00:00:03] You are listening to the Intuitive healing connection. Hi, my name is Gina Strole, and I am your host. I am best known as the down-to-earth intuitive healer. That doesn't sugarcoat the truth. I walk my clients through the healing process and help them heal from their past so that they can find peace and joy again. If you are interested in healing your past, tapping into your spiritual side to receive your own answers, finding your. And discovering your own wisdom, then you are in the right place. I am here to lead the way and help you discover your intuitive connection. Hello and welcome to this week's podcast episode. I am so excited that you're here and I am so excited to share today's topic with you. But before we get started, I want to share some exciting news with you because just before coming on today, I received an email that we this podcast and I say we because it is we. The intuitive healing connection is number eight today in this week's lineup of Top 90 Best Healing Podcasts. So I was pretty excited about that. Eight is awesome. So thank you for being here. Thank you for listening. Thank you for being one of our valued, loyal listeners here. And for those of you who are new, welcome, welcome here. I know that it's been it's been awesome to watch this podcast grow, to watch our listeners grow, to watch, you know, the downloads grow and just to see how it's making a difference in the world.

Speaker1: [00:01:49] If this is making a difference for you, leave me a review. I would love that beyond anything. Leave us a review. Let us know how we're doing. Let us know that it's making a difference for you, because I would love to hear from you. So with that, we'll just kind of celebrate just for a minute and then I am ready to dive into today's topic because I know that you're going to love it. And I know that it has been something that has been very helpful for me and something that I use probably every day of my life. So I want to talk about using inner child healing to heal your physical body. This month I've been talking a lot about healing the physical body. I've been sharing some things that I've been through recently and how I am finding my answers, how I'm getting my answers, and it's all helpful. But the one thing that I know for sure is that when we use healing modalities to heal our physical body. That's where we get our greatest results. I know for me, in working with my thyroid and healing my thyroid and, you know, suffering from thyroid stuff for 22 beyond 20 years now, I've lost track of even how long it's been. It's been a long time. I know for me that intuitive healing has been one of the biggest things that has helped save my body, literally saved my physical body, really start to understand why I've had all these thyroid issues and what I can do about it to help move that stuff out of the way and really allow my body to heal in a bigger way so that when I have got the medical answers that I need, which is where I'm at now, my body has just lined right up and stepped up and has felt so much better.

Speaker1: [00:03:39] And because of the healing work that I've done and I believe that wholeheartedly, I believe all of our illnesses, all of our things start on an energetic level. Everything starts energetically and I know one of the first reasons that I got into intuitive healing is because I was having chronic bladder and kidney infections. I couldn't get rid of them. I was going to the doctor all the time. They just seemed to keep coming back over and over and over again. You know, in the medical world, they're telling me it's because, you know, your bladder doesn't completely empty or your kidneys are not doing their they're not functioning right. And all these things. And none of that felt right to me. And then I got to the point where I was having symptoms, but I would go in and get tested and there was no infection. And that to me was the deciding point. That was the moment that I said, You know what? We got to do something different. Something else needs to happen.

Speaker1: [00:04:31] Something needs to change. I'm missing something here. And that's when I found intuitive healing and I really started learning how to release emotions, release feelings go in. And the big hitter that I use now is inner child healing. Hands down. That's where I get my biggest results. And so after going through all of that for several years, this went on for years. I had always had problems with that. It seemed like it was a constant battle. And now I can tell you, I don't know the last time that I had an infection. I don't get infections anymore. Sometimes I will start to feel that little twinge in my back. If any of you have had that and I just go to work and start healing and it goes, start seeing what I'm what am I storing? What am I missing? What am I not paying attention to? And what am I hiding from? Because when we store emotions in the body, it's because we're hiding from something, because we don't want to be hurt. And that is that's kind of a big deal. You know, our bodies, our ego mind will do anything to protect you from pain, even if protecting you causes you more pain at the time. Crazy, right? Like, even if it causes you more pain, it will still protect you from the pain. So sometimes it's hard for us to really be open and understanding with our self. This is we're working with a healer is fabulous, especially doing this kind of inner healing work because we can't always be really that open understanding vessel for our self we want to be.

Speaker1: [00:06:04] But if you think about it's almost easier sometimes to be more compassionate for someone else than it is for ourselves and know you've done nothing wrong. We simply hide these emotions. We hide from our traumas. We shove them down because we don't know what to do with them. We were never taught how to feel our feelings. We were never taught how to emotionally work through our stuff. I don't know about you, but I wasn't given a healing one on one session when I was two, three and five. You know, I wasn't told that it was okay to feel my feelings, you know? In fact, I was told the opposite. Get over it. You know, knock it off. Quit acting like a baby. Go. Go to your room. We don't want to deal with it. And, you know, my parents didn't they didn't know how to deal with it. And I was never taught how to deal with it. And so it's something that I've had to learn over the years is to really learn to become more compassionate with myself. And I believe that has helped me along my physical healing journey. You know, I've had a lot of thyroid issues. I've done a podcast on that, really talking about thyroid issues and healing from that and how how long it took to get answers.

Speaker1: [00:07:08] That's crazy. Like it's taken me 20 over 20 years now to get some real solid answers on what I could do to help myself because my body was missing some key elements that the medical field really just didn't know about. And they nobody could seem to tell me what I needed and why I didn't feel good, you know, had my thyroid removed eight years ago. And it has been a downhill battle since then. It's been really rough. But the one thing that I have been consistent with over the years is doing my healing work and being open to the answers to what I needed to take, what I needed to give my body to help support it during all this time. So that is the one thing that I have done hands down, you know, I'm able to share my. Story kind of coming out of the hole. Now, if you haven't listened to that podcast, you can go back and find it in my podcast. It's all about healing from thyroid and you can go and hear my story there. But anyway, it has been a battle. But here's the one thing that I want to share with you. I really want to talk to you today about inner child healing and how we can use it to heal all parts of our life, but especially our physical body. So anytime that you're having issues, anytime that you've got things that are coming up for you, whether it's chronic issues, whether it's, you know, reoccurring things, those are all signs that your body is showing you, that you've got some stored energy, you've got some things you need to work with.

Speaker1: [00:08:35] You know, even if you get bronchitis every year or you struggle even with allergies and these things, we can work with all of this. I believe that everything is energy first and you can work with it. And so really acknowledging it, you know, where is it at for me? My thyroid is in my throat. You know, that's my throat chakra, You know, what do we have in the throat? What are the issues in the throat? Not speaking your truth, you know, not standing up for yourself, not, you know, asking for what you need, telling people what you need, not being able to do those things. This is all in that throat chakra area. You know, if you've been told you can't express your feelings and you keep swallowing them down, this is in that throat chakra area. This is how that all begins. Now, by the time you get to the point where I was at where you had to have it removed, we're way past learning to speak our truth again, you know, because I've been working on that all along. But there were other things that needed to happen in there. And so it's really been, you know, a challenge for me over the years to figure all that out, to figure out those deep layers.

Speaker1: [00:09:37] I believe mine goes back many, many years of being afraid to speak my truth, being afraid to step into my spiritual truths, being afraid to step into myself as a healer and as a medium and as a psychic and talk about all those things, you know, Now it's become a lot easier for me. I do that now on a regular basis, but it hasn't always been that way. And so really letting go of that fear and being able to speak my truth, being able to say what I want, you know, how many of you struggle to just ask for help or to, you know, one of my favorite things to do now is because I love myself and I like to my husband and I always do lunch on Fridays. And if I really honestly don't care where we go, I just tell him I don't care. Go wherever you want. We've been doing lunch on Fridays now for, I don't know, almost 20 years, a long time. Once our kids got into school all day, we started meeting up on Fridays and doing lunch. So I've had lots of practice. But if I do care where we go and if I want something which is usually Mexican, I will tell him I want to go get Mexican. You know, sometimes it gives me a hard time about it and we go back and forth because it's an inside joke with us.

Speaker1: [00:10:48] But he'll try and change my mind just because it is an inside joke with us. But, you know, I just have gotten to the point where I honor myself and I honor my feelings and honor where I'm at and I speak my truth. And this is how we begin to do that healing work. But the other part of this to me is really stepping into that inner child and really going in deeper, because to me, that work is kind of the outer layer and then I need to go in deeper to figure out what's really going on. And this is where you can learn to connect with your inner child. Your inner child is really where you get your best bang for your buck. It is really where multiple changes start happening. You know, in my VIP program, I work with ladies for six months. We do a ton of inner child healing. Not only do they meet me for classes, but we also meet in private for healing sessions with them, and the change is phenomenal over that six month time. And most people come and do another six months with me. Most of the people that I work with work with me for a year and then some of them have went on. I've had some that have been with me for two years now. So you know that change comes, you know, when we are consistent and work with it.

Speaker1: [00:12:05] But it also comes when we really dedicate ourselves to to that healing. And so that inner child is screaming for you to listen. The thing is, are you going to listen? Are you going to hear it? Are you going to acknowledge her? Are you going to allow her to heal? Because that is really where we start to see the big changes in our life and what we can do. The best thing we can do for ourselves is really tap into her or him, whoever. Most of the people I work with are women. But, you know, tap into that part of ourselves and really ask ourselves, what did we need? So how do we do this? I want to kind of walk you through this just a little bit, give you some tips, some pointers, things that you can use to help you with your healing. So first off, by what is that inner child? This is really those inner wounded parts of you. This is really those parts of you that. Have struggled that have created belief systems that have big emotions built up around you. When I tap into my inner child, I see her as different aspects of myself or actually a younger version of myself. I can see my teenage version of myself. I can see my toddler version of myself. I can see my school age, you know, kindergarten. You can kind of see the different the different areas in my life.

Speaker1: [00:13:35] So when I tap into it, one of the things I ask myself is, you know, what time frame is this for me? How old were you? You know, what was what was going on then that, you know, you're having such a big feelings about it. You know, sometimes it was a little thing. Most of the time for me, though, it is an accumulation of a lot of things. And so, you know, just this past week, I have been working with the teenage version of myself. If you've all seen teenagers, you know, they kind of get kind of grumpy and grumpy and they're, you know, back in the corner with their hands crossed, like not doing it. That's the version of me that I've been working with. And it's very interesting because I can see her plain as day. And, you know, she's she's mad. She's felt like she hasn't been able to make her own choices and do her own thing. She felt like growing up that she never got to choose. She never got to say what she wanted to do, what she wanted to eat, how she wanted to be, how she wanted to act. You know, she was told how to act. And if she didn't act appropriately, she was sent to her room and told to go there until she could come out and be appropriate. You know, all these things had built up. There was rage. There was anger in there. There was sadness.

Speaker1: [00:14:45] You know, there was not being able to speak her truth. So more of not being able to speak her truth, Imagine that. And that was the part of me that I've been sitting with this week. It's been really interesting. And so we can tap into those different parts of ourselves. That is that inner child, that is those parts of us that are wounded, that need that healing and need us to comfort and accept that part of ourselves. So after we tap into them and see that part of ourselves, so how do we heal that? Well, one of the big things is asking yourself, what are what are the feelings, what are the emotions, What's going on? For me and this instance, this was a lot of religious stuff, a lot of church stuff, a lot of, you know, I wasn't able to make my own decisions. You know, we were told what to say, how to pray, what to do, how to act, what to wear, what to drink, what to eat, you know, all the appropriate things that, you know, my parents thought were appropriate. But to me, it was more of, you know, you're not good enough. You got to act this way in order to be loved. And that teenage part of me had had enough. She was fed up. It was time for me to acknowledge this part of me and really start stepping into who I am. And I use a lot of this inner child healing when I'm leveling up in my life, when I'm leveling up in my business.

Speaker1: [00:16:08] This is a great way to get to that next level in life, if that's where you're headed. Even in your personal development, even in your healing, it's a great way to get to that next level. And so as I connected with her, you know, acknowledging those feelings and those situations and those things that have happened, then I ask, what did she need? Have you ever asked yourself, What do you need? What is it that you need? You know, most of the time we need compassion. We need comfort. We need someone to tell us that it's going to be okay. Maybe we need permission to speak our truth. Maybe we need permission to be ourselves. You know, what is it that you needed? And then give yourself that on an energetic level. Allow yourself to be comforted. Tell your little self You know what it is, okay? You did the best that you know how. Yes. You can drink that. Yes, you can eat that. Yes, you can do whatever you want. You get to be you. Sometimes we need to be reminded that we are grown ass adults now and we can do what we want. We can make our own decisions. We can do our own things. And it is okay to do that because those little parts of us sometimes don't always understand that we need to be more open to that so we can give them what she needs, give them the compassion.

Speaker1: [00:17:26] How often are you compassionate toward yourself? This is a big part in personal development. This is where most of us miss the boat completely. We want to judge ourselves. We want to be mad at ourselves. We want to let that ego part of us protect us and not see that underneath all of that, we're just hurt. Underneath all of that. We just need to release some emotions. And I promise you, every time you do this, you're going to feel like a million bucks. But not only that, you're going to start reacting to the world around you differently. People are not going to trigger you up like they used to. People are not going to be able to get in your way. You're not going to go to that family dinner and come home all mad and upset because your sister said that or somebody said that it's not going to bother you anymore. And those are the type of. That's what I want to be. I don't want to be all caught up in everything that happens around me. I want to be able to just relax into a life and allow things to flow. Allow people to be people and me to be myself. That to me is just the more the easier way to allow things to flow. So really bring in that compassion for yourself. What did you need? Give your little self an energetic hug.

Speaker1: [00:18:39] Give her that ice cream. For me, it was really interesting this week because I bought a big bag of Oreos over the weekend. The yummy vanilla cream ones. I don't usually buy that kind of stuff. I buy stuff that my husband likes, but I really wanted the vanilla, the Oreos, the vanilla Oreos. And so I bought them. And it was really interesting because when I asked my little inner child what she needed, also I see these bags of Oreos, vanilla, of course, you know, the diet, the diet, Dr. Pepper, all of the things that our mom told her. No, she couldn't have, you know, her cup of coffee in the morning, whatever. Like she is going to town on all of them. And she's like, I want to eat what I want to eat and I want to do what I want to do. And I want to say what I want to say, and I want to be what I want to be fabulous. It's funny that I had bought that bag of Oreos this week. Um, I had been eating a lot of those Oreos. They were really good. But, you know, it's like and no, I didn't tell her no, she couldn't have them. I enjoyed them. I embrace those with her, embrace that part of myself, of being able to choose and do what I want to do. And we need to allow ourselves to be in that space, bring in more compassion and love for ourselves, and really allow that healing to happen, because that's how it happens.

Speaker1: [00:19:57] And then after we acknowledge that, we sit with those feelings and those emotions and allow the healing work to come in and allow those that energy in there to dissipate, and you can feel it as you sit with it, as you acknowledge it, you know, acknowledge that anger in there, acknowledge that rage in their acknowledge those feelings and just sit with them until you feel them leave your body. That right there is how we do that healing work. Now, a lot of times it's really hard for us to do that for ourselves, and that is why we seek out healers. That is why I seek out a healer. Sometimes I need someone to help me be a little less judgmental of myself and more open to that. We're just doing the healing work and we can get a lot better results when we really tap in to that part and allow that healing to happen and allow someone to guide us through it. We can really learn to be more open and more accepting of our feelings and our thoughts. You know, I had some thoughts come up that I didn't realize were were issues for me, but they popped into my head. And I'm to the point where I'm like, okay, I can I can I can accept that It's okay. I'm not a bad person for thinking that, you know, my Down's brother was a pain in the ass.

Speaker1: [00:21:10] He was. He still is sometimes, but he's also funny and funny to be around. And I had to acknowledge that's where we were at. It's okay. All of it is okay. So we have to be open to those things and allow healing to happen. So, you know, when you work with this inner child, this is really where you are going to get your best bang for your buck. This is where deep, deep healing can happen for you. This is where that transformation comes in, really letting go of those wounded parts of ourselves and allowing ourselves to step in to healing. It really is a brilliant process if you allow it to happen. It is beautiful. It's beyond beautiful. That's why I love doing the healing work that I do. That's why I love working with people in my six month program. Right now we're opening it up. We're ready to take on the next six months. So if you're interested in really connecting with your inner child and doing that deep healing work for yourself, this is your opportunity to do so. I'll open it up every six months. Um, I work with people for six months and then we do a new class and we start over and we do it again. And like I said, most people that have worked with me, they've worked with me for a long time because they know the value of coming in and really doing this healing work and stepping into that place of healing.

Speaker1: [00:22:28] There is no going back. Once you've started your healing work, my students will tell you that there is no going back. They can't even imagine turning around and going back. There's no possible way to do that. You can't go back. You can only go forward. And once you start doing this work, you will understand that once you start really diving in and seeing the changes happen and watching yourself grow and mature into the lovely, beautiful soul that you are, once you start remembering who you are and seeing that you do matter because all healing comes down to is remembering that you matter and that you are worth more than you even know. You can even tap into that from your wounded side. You can only tap into that from your spiritual healing side. And the more you start to remember that you are that divine light, that you are, that godlike love that you are those things, you know, it doesn't anything that has happened to you does not diminish your worth. These are just experiences for you I've shared before. You know the value of $100, you know. Does it change? When it gets ran over, the dollar gets wet. If you wash it in the washing machine, if you crumple it up, if it tear, if it gets torn and you tape it back together, does it change the value at all? You know, the answer's no.

Speaker1: [00:23:53] And it's the same thing with you. Just because you go through experiences, just because you have things that happen to you, just because you had that dad that never showed up for you or that you felt abandoned or that you felt that you didn't matter in the lives of your parents does not change your value. The only thing that changed is the way that you thought about yourself. That's what changed, and that's what we're working on to reverse. That's what we're working on to undo so that you can remember that you do matter in this world and that you are making a difference every day and that you are here for a reason. You are here to have an experience. You're here to experience life and you're here to grow while you're here. And all of those things are beautiful, marvelous things, and they can all be accomplished through intuitive healing. So I believe this wholeheartedly. I know that it has worked in my life. I have watched it work many, many times. Um, you know, I will continue every day to keep doing my own healing work and I will continue to encourage you and everyone else out there to do their healing work. If we all did our healing work and we're on this personal development journey, boy, this world would be a much different place than what it is. And we would have a lot more loving and compassionate people willing to accept those around us from all different walks of life.

Speaker1: [00:25:10] You know, I believe 100% that we need to come together, come together not because we think the same or that we're, you know, doing the same things, but because we're all here living the same journey, doing the same things. It's time to let go of all the identifications and all the different ways that we connect with people and really just understand that we're all here in this physical world having a beautiful physical experience, and we're all on the same journey together. So I hope this has been helpful for you today. It's time for you. This is your call. This is your wake up call to step into your inner child healing. And let's get to work and seeing those changes happen inside of you. So I hope this has been helpful for you today. I've enjoyed our time together and I will talk to you again very soon on the next podcast. Bye bye for now. I sincerely hope you enjoyed today's episode. I love connecting with my people. So if you would like to get in touch with me, you can email me at You can find me on Facebook and Instagram and on YouTube as Gina Stroll Intuitive Healing. And of course, if you have any interest in anything that we talked about today, all of my stuff is available on my website at

Speaker2: [00:26:34] And again, thank you for joining me and can't wait for us to connect up again. Have a great day.