Intuitive Healing Connection

How to Heal the Shackles of Your Past to Live Your Best Life

Gina Strole Season 1 Episode 35

How to Heal the Shackles of Your Past to Live Your Best Life

Today we’re delving deep into the five stages of healing our traumas with valuable insights on how you can initiate this transformative process right from the comfort of your own home.

This episode serves as an insightful introduction to five stages of healing our traumas. As you listen, keep in mind that healing is a unique journey for each individual. By tapping into yourself and engaging in your own healing work, you can take the first steps toward transforming your life.

Before we embark on this transformative topic, it's important to emphasize that this podcast episode is not a replacement for professional therapy or guidance. While I share valuable insights and strategies, healing is a deeply personal journey. It's essential to tap into yourself and engage in some of your own healing work as you navigate these stages.

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Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • Traumas, whether large or small, have a way of holding us back from becoming our true selves. 
  • How traumas influence our daily lives and hinder our personal growth.
  • Our well-intentioned ego often steps in to protect us, but sometimes, it provides the wrong kind of protection. 
  • The pivotal moment in our lives when we've had enough—a moment when we realize that something must change. 
  • Breaking free from the shackles of our past, empowering ourselves to move forward.
  • 5 Stages of healing trauma and how to work through each.


Bridge to VIP Program: Take a Look to see if it’s right for you

Morning Kick in the Ass Meditation

Get My Book: Fear Breakthrough: A Medium’s Journey to Embracing Spirit 

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Speaker1: You are listening to the Intuitive healing connection. Hi, my name is Gina Strole and I am your host. I am best known as the down to earth intuitive healer. That doesn't sugarcoat the truth. I walk my clients through the healing process and help them heal from their past so that they can find peace and joy again. If you are interested in healing your past, tapping into your spiritual side to receive your own answers. Finding your. And discovering your own wisdom, then you are in the right place. I am here to lead the way and help you discover.

Your intuitive connection.

Speaker2: Hello, welcome to this week's podcast episode. I'm so excited you're here and I'm over the moon. Excited to offer you insight on how to really heal your past and to live your best life. And today's beautiful topic is all about just that. So I want to talk about kind of the five stages of healing our traumas and how you can really start to learn to work through your traumas at home. So I'm going to talk about the five stages, and then at the end, I'm going to give you some ideas on things that you can do if you want to start really tapping into yourself and learning to do some of your own healing work. So let's dive right in. I'm excited to get going. So, um, when we talk about healing our traumas. You know, these things are these are the things that have happened to us in the past that are really holding us back from knowing who we are. Knowing that we're worthy. Knowing that we are amazing. Knowing that we are deserving of all good things in this life, of abundance, of love, of relationships, of of all the amazing things that this world has to offer. But when we go through difficult situations in our past, when we create these belief systems thinking that we're not good enough or we're not worthy, that we'll never have love, we'll never have good relationships, whatever it is that you've told yourself, you know, a lot of people, money, you know, they don't believe they deserve money.

Speaker2: They're not good enough for money. They can't have money. We just deserve to be poor. That's all we get. You know, even those types of things can come from our traumas in our past. I know even in my business, when I get to a point where I'm kind of stuck, I start doing more deeper healing work. I really start diving in because I know that there's something there holding me back from where I want to be. And that's what these traumas really do. They hold us back from where we want to be and where we can be. You know, a lot of times we don't even know what they are. You don't need to know what they are in order to figure it all out. This is where it's helpful to go and work with someone. I'm just going to say that right off the top of the this is where it is really, really helpful to work with someone because they can help you, you know, especially a good intuitive. I love it when my clients come to me. Most of them I'll ask them. Sometimes they have things that they really want to work on, but they're like, No, you just go wherever you're led.

Speaker2: And I love that because it's like, we can really dive in then and start getting to the nitty gritty. Our mind wants to protect us. Our mind wants to keep us safe. Our mind wants to keep us small. This beautiful ego mind that we all have here in the human world. And and it's lovely when we can get out of our own way and just let the healing happen. So I want you to keep that in mind today. As you do this, it is so helpful to work with someone who can really help you see what's really going on and get a bigger picture of what's really going on. And because not all the time can we be that honest with ourselves. Not all the time. Do we know even what that is for ourselves if you're not open to all of those. But the thing that we're going to talk about today is, you know how to get to that stage because that's important, too, because we have to be to that stage. We're ready to work with someone. When are you ready to work with someone? And and then what are some things that you can do either to supplement it or to.

Speaker1: Um.

Speaker2: You know, do your own healing work on the side? So let's talk about, you know, the stages, the stages of healing. So I see this all the time with my clients. I've seen it with myself. And it's funny, every time I need to heal something different because I believe this is kind of a lifelong journey. I kind of go back through these stages, so it was kind of fun this morning too, as I was getting ready to do this podcast, kind of go back and go, where? Where have I been over the years? Where what are the stages? Is there a pattern? Oh yeah, there's a pattern, there's a total pattern. So it's really cool. So the first stage of healing your traumas is realizing that it is time for change. You know, you kind of have to come to that point of I don't know what I need to do, but something has got to change. I think we've kind of all been there for different reasons in our life, but it's really deciding that I need to make some changes. I don't want to go around being angry, being mad. I remember when I first my first promotional video for my for my business now, um, I remember saying that I had a lady, she was interviewing me and she asked me, why did you start doing intuitive healing? And I said, because I didn't want to go to my grave a grumpy old lady. And I meant it. And I still mean it today.

Speaker2: I was that grumpy ass old lady because the things that have happened to me in my life and because of where I'd been and the belief systems that I had gathered and I truly felt that I wasn't worthy of love, I wasn't worthy of anything. And I walked around in this world acting like with my head tucked, acting, you know, don't don't talk to me. I don't deserve anything. That's kind of I didn't realize that at the time, but that's where I was at. And how sad is it to be in that state? So we have to realize that it's time for a change. And I did realize that because my realization was not going to the grave of Grumpy Old Lady. And if we can get to that point, whatever it is for you, you know, realizing that is huge, that is such a big step and realizing you may not. Understand what's going on or why you feel the way that you feel. You don't need to understand all of that. This very beginning part is like the baby stages. It's like the wakeup stage of, Oh my God, I got to do something different. I really have to do something different and change my life. So sometimes a major event can trigger this. Sometimes life can just trigger this. You know, there's a lot of different reasons that this may be triggered for you. Sometimes, you know, you might have a big blow up with your spouse and they say some things and you're like, oh, my gosh, they're right.

Speaker2: Or, you know, a friend or whatever. They're right. I got to figure some things out. What is what's going on with me? What is really going on that is causing me to feel this, this way. And a lot of times we don't even realize that our patterns are unhealthy until some things happen to us in our life. And then it's like, ding, ding, ding. Oh my gosh. There's some things that are going on here that we need to work on. So, um, the next step is kind of a bigger one. I kind of clumped a few things in there, but it's funny, after we decide that we need help, we usually get really scared and that fear comes in. Who will we become if we're not blank? Fill in the blank. If I'm not this grumpy old lady, who will I become? Will people still like me? Am I going to have any friends? You know, we start going down this whole fear, Oh my gosh, you know, our ego mind gets in the way and it puts up this resistance wall. Because here's the truth. Our ego mind wants us to stay exactly the way that we are. It thinks that it has built this protection around us, and it's a good thing. It isn't a good thing. Anytime we shut ourselves off from the world, anytime we disconnect energetically, emotionally, physically, from the world because of where we've been, because we're afraid to be hurt, this is not a good thing.

Speaker2: This is never a good thing. It can be our form of protection for a while and it may have got you through some hard years, but there comes a time when we either have got to break those walls down. You know, relationships are crumbling. Things have got to change or, you know, you are going to be that grumpy old lady. It just that's kind of the choice. And so but this stage right here is where a lot of people stop because a lot of people let that fear come in and they don't know how to work through it and they just get scared. And instead of trusting that maybe there's something bigger out there because you're not to that point where you're trusting the universe, yet we're not there. It's not happening. And until you get to that place of trust, you know something has to happen in here. So that this fear. Can be moved a little bit. Transmuted is a word that I love. I spend a lot of time in my membership. I actually have a morning meditation that I love. You can actually buy it on my website. It's the morning kick in the ass and it really talks a lot about this is meant to do why you're moving, why you're walking, why you're out with movement. Because the whole point of it is to get you realizing that you need to let go of the fear.