Intuitive Healing Connection

Are You Managing Life or Truly Living It?

Gina Strole Season 1 Episode 36

Are You Managing Life or Truly Living It?

Life is meant to be enjoyed, not managed and endured. But is that easier said than done? Even if you seek out help?

In this episode, we delve into the profound question: Are you simply existing, or are you truly finding happiness and joy in life? 

It's a question that can change from day to day, and I’m here to explore it with you.

Some days, it's easier to savor the moments, but if you ever find yourself dreading the day-to-day grind, it might be time for a change. Life is too short to stay in situations that don't fulfill you!

In this episode, we discuss the symptoms of a life managed rather than lived:

  • Not waking up excited for your day
  • Dreading going to bed because you know tomorrow will be the same
  • Every day feeling pointless and unexciting
  • Questioning life and its meaning

If any of these resonate with you, it could be a sign that change is in order. We understand that summoning the courage to make that change can be daunting, but it's a decision you won't regret.

Join me as I explore how to identify what's holding you back and what needs to change to infuse more joy and fulfillment into your life. It's a conversation you won't want to miss!


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Speaker1: You are listening to the intuitive healing connection where intuitive healing connects with everyday living. Hi, my name is Gina Strole and I am your host. I am best known as the down to earth energy healer. That doesn't sugarcoat the truth. I walk my clients through the healing process so they can find freedom from their emotional pain, heal from their past, and find peace and joy again. If you are interested in healing your emotional past, tapping into your spiritual side to receive your own answers. Finding your own clarity and discovering your own spiritual truth. Then you are in the right place. I am here to lead the way and to help you discover.

Your own intuitive healing connection.

Speaker1: Are you Managing your life? I've been thinking about this a lot lately, and we have choices in life. We have opportunities in life. But most of us seem to be running around just managing our life, just getting through from the day to day, wishing our moments away, hoping that maybe at some point things will change and that we'll be able to live this this fanciful life that we think is somehow just going to come out of nowhere for us. Is this you? I'm so excited for today's podcast because I want to talk about are you really managing life or are you living life? Because there are two different things. And I want to share with you some stories, a story for sure on how where I've come from, because I think it's helpful when you understand and know that the person that you're getting advice from has lived it. Because I have lived it. I have been there. It is a reason that I'm here today. It is a reason that I do what I do today because I spent a lot of time managing life and I don't want you to do that. My goal, my whole purpose, the reason that I do what I do, the reason that I have the business that I have is to help people really get out of this. Managing their life and really learn to live life. It is is meant to be. It is meant to be experienced. Life, believe it or not, is meant to be enjoyed.

Speaker1: But we cannot do that when we're so full of energetic, emotional, energetic traumas triggers all the things when we're weighed down by life, when we really just don't have that hope, that sense of openness that we all need in order to be able to really enjoy life and not just manage it. So this is kind of what I want to talk about today. We kind of started off a little different with this podcast today, but I really want to share with you some new thoughts, maybe some new ideas. If you're someone out there that is just living life, if you're someone that is dreading every damn day thinking, Oh my gosh, I got to get up and do it again in the morning, I'm talking to you. This is who I'm talking to you today. You are my person. You are the person that needs to hear this the most because we have I don't want to say an obligation, but that's the word that's kind of coming to my mind to really figure out our lives and really learn to become a co-creator in our life and not just allowing life to happen to us and then being upset because things are turning out the way that they are. So as we get started on this today, I really want to talk about. Why this kind of came up for me. And I've always thought about this word managing your life, you know, Are you really? Are you managing life? Are you getting up and treating it like a job every day or is it fun and is it exciting and does it feel exciting? And how do we get to that point where we can feel that excitement? And the one thing that got me thinking about this was I was scrolling through videos this week and I was I came across this video that was talking about depression versus suppression and how we get to depression.

Speaker1: And he was the person that was doing this video, was really talking about how suppression of emotions and feelings is really what causes our depressive feelings. And I know there's controversy over that. And I am not a medical doctor. I don't even claim to be I don't even claim to go in. And there are different kinds of depression. And there's but here's what I do know and I'm not downplaying anybody's depression, too, as we talk about this today, but this is what I do know. And the reason that I do know it is because this has been my experience for me. So this is the part that I understand because it is my experience and I have lived it. I spent most of my early adult years managing my life, putting a bandaid on my life, living life every day in this management position, hoping to get through the next day, hoping to be good enough.

Speaker1: I was living off of antidepressants. I was living off of anti-anxiety. It was the only way that I knew how to cope with what I didn't even understand was going on inside of me. And at the time I had no idea. I just thought, this is the way that I was. You know, my brother had committed suicide. He struggled with depression, obviously, or we wouldn't be where we are today. You know, he was never, um, you know, he never received care for that until it was too late. This was just back then. Things like that weren't really talked about. And as I got into my adult years and I'd go to the doctor and tell them I'm not feeling well, I need all these things. And of course, their first go to is to give you an antidepressant. And I'm having some anxiety here. Have some Xanax. Go home. Manage your symptoms, right? Like and I did that for a whole lot of years. And I remember getting to the point one day, I remember this day very vividly for myself because we were headed my husband and I were headed to dinner with the kids and I think it was with my family, which is always kind of stressful, but I think we were meeting my family and we were going to dinner. This was in our early years and I remember being mad at him for something because back then I was seemed like I was always mad about something.

Speaker1: And now looking at it today, I realize the reason that I was upset is because I didn't feel like I was heard and he didn't know how to deal with me. Like I don't know how to deal with me. Um, and I just really did not know how to communicate and deal with life very well. And I remember we were in the car and I was kind of upset with him about something stupid, I'm sure, over the kids and I. And I remember telling him and I hurt him so deeply this day because I said, I am sick and tired of pretending to be happy all the time. And that really was a changing moment for me because at the moment I was just so frustrated and so angry with life. And I thought, if this is all that life is, I'm not sure that I want to do life anymore. I'm not sure that I want to be in this place anymore of having to deal with this bullshit every day because that's literally what it felt like to me. And back then I was trying to do all the mom things. I was very much into my religion trying to do that. Well, I don't think I was doing anything well, I don't think I was doing that one thing. Well, I think I was doing a whole lot of things mediocre at that point in my life because I just didn't understand the big picture.

Speaker1: And if any of you have been there and you know what I'm talking about, I think you can probably relate with this because we go through times where literally and this was a long period of time for me, this was pretty much my whole early, early marriage, early childhood or early raising my kids, their early childhood for my older kids anyway. And I literally just didn't know how to cope. I had never been taught how to cope. I'd never been taught how to really communicate well, start communicating my needs and what I needed and what I wanted and what I desired. You know, I just had never experienced any of that, and I didn't understand what was really going on. Now, fast forward all these years later. Now I totally get it. And I can see it from the outside looking in. And I realized years and years and years of emotions that had been suppressed were shoved down deep, deep in the outer depths of hell, literally in the lower depths of hell. And they were left there to rot. And as those emotions are rotting down, they're never to be heard, never to be spoken of, never to be acknowledged by myself, never allowed the opportunity to flow as I believe now that emotions are, it creates this massive and we'll call it an energy block, an energy shove, which creates these this sadness and this sorrow and this depression that I was experiencing inside of my body.

Speaker1: And literally, as it gets bigger and bigger and bigger, I feel like it explodes to the outside. And we we step into this place of really living in this cloud of sadness and sorrow. And it really is quite a sad place to be for me. I look back and that was a sad place to be. I didn't know how to deal with everything that had happened to me growing up. I didn't know how to talk about it. We were never told, you know, we were told to shut up to to get over it, to stop crying. Would you put your big girls panty on? Stop crying. Stop doing that. No, you don't get to be angry. You have to be happy. You don't get to do these things. You have to do this. You have to be this way. You have to show up this way. And years and years of that conditioning left me where I was at. And I realize this all these years later. Now I'm like, Oh my gosh, why wouldn't I feel that way? You know, if you think about being told that you can't express your feelings, that you're not allowed to have an opinion about anything, you just do what you're told. We get to the point where people explode, right? Because there's so much. I call it the pressure cooker effect. If you've ever used a pressure cooker, you know, when you cook potatoes in my pressure cooker all the time and you cut them up and you put them in there and you put the lid on it and you close it up tight and you seal it up tight.

Speaker1: If you turn that pressure cooker up too high, give it too much energy, the lid is going to blow off, which is kind of scary. We don't want to do that like, but that's kind of what's going on inside of ourselves. And we get to this point where we are that pressure cooker just waiting to explode because we don't know how to deal wi