Intuitive Healing Connection

Why We Have Physical Illness From an Intuitive Healer’s Point of View

Gina Strole Season 1 Episode 37

  Why We Have Physical Illness From an Intuitive Healer’s Point of View

In today's episode, we delve deep into the world of Intuitive Healing to answer the question: "Why do we have physical illness from an Intuitive Healer’s point of view?" 

Join me as we uncover the energetic and emotional components behind family histories of generational illnesses, learn different ways to heal both the physical and emotional aspects of our bodies, and discover techniques to release stagnant energy from the body with intention.

I have walked this path of illness, too, and will be emphasizing the importance of a holistic approach to healing that embraces both Western medicine and alternative practices.

Episode Highlights:

  • Family History and Energetic Imprints: We explore how family histories of illness can leave energetic imprints and how understanding and addressing these imprints is essential to healing.
  • The Emotional Roots: Delve into the emotional reasons behind disease, and gain insights into how repressed emotions can manifest as physical ailments over time.
  • Balancing Body and Emotions: Learn about intuitive healing's unique perspective, where healing the physical body is intricately linked with emotional well-being.
  • Beyond Medicine: Discover that healing goes beyond just medicine, and explore various methods to support your body's natural healing processes.
  • How to Move Stagnant Energy: Explore effective techniques to move stagnant energy out of your body with intention, promoting physical and emotional balance.
  • Timeline Healing: What is timeline healing, and how can it help you heal past emotional wounds that may be contributing to your current state of health?

Healing is about embracing both the physical and emotional aspects of health and acknowledging that there are multiple paths to well-being.

Thank you for being a part of our Intuitive Healing Connection community, and may your journey to health and happiness be illuminated by the light of intuition and understanding.


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Speaker1: used tapping Google that, it'll show you how to do it. Journaling exercises are lovely. I love using movement. Using yoga. Using. I ride my bike and really working that energy out of my body with the intention and the focus of releasing whatever's going on that I need to work through. Lately, I've been working through a lot of anger. Yeah, I have it too. I've been working through a lot of that. And so really releasing that from my body, allowing that to go and oh my, I feel lighter every day just by doing that. So, um, you know, those are some of the things that you can do. Another one that I love that I haven't really talked about on here, and I do it a lot in my VIP course. Um, my students all know usually in the first week or two of my class, depending on how it falls in our schedule, we do some heavy duty timeline healing.

Speaker1: And I love this exercise. I do it a lot. My students know it and they all go, Oh my, Because they know that it brings up a lot of garbage. But I have them in the first class, sit down and I we go into a meditative state. You don't need to be deep in meditative state just in to a relaxing state. And then I have them start to write out a timeline of their lives. Usually we just do this life. We don't. Some people can do past life stuff, but I have them write it out. The key moments in their lives where they had life changing events and you will know it just pops in your head. You can do it by age. I was five, blah, blah, blah. Happened. I was seven. We moved. I was nine. My parents got a divorce. 11 You know, whatever it is like. And you do this timeline exercise. By doing that, it brings all these emotions to the top and then you go through and do the healing work to release those emotions. And we work with each one of those timelines. Now in the class, we'll just choose one. Whichever one that you're drawn to the most is where we go to first, and then we'll use that consistently throughout and do it again and again and really heal those parts that need to be healing.

Speaker1: For those who have taken the class with me several times, sometimes the same one comes up. Not usually. Usually they have there's different or there's different aspects inside of that that they need to work on for different reasons. So we use timeline healing a lot. It is a very effective tool for helping to release massive amounts of emotional baggage. So that might be something that you want to try. So you want to look at, you know, so those are all good ways to release and to move energy out. So today I really just wanted to talk about. Giving you letting you know there is ways to heal your physical body. It's not just all about medicine. You can do so many things on the side. One of the other things that I love to bring in when I'm doing my healing work is lots of laughter, lots of fun. You know, we get stuck in the mundane. We get stuck in our in creatures of habit, so to speak, and we forget. Laughter can be one of your best medicines ever. And as you can incorporate that in really starting to have more fun, find things that you can do that bring laughter and joy. I talk a lot. There was one time that I went with one of my friends as she loves to recycle glass. I'd never done that before.

Speaker1: She loaded her whole car up with glass and we drove quite a ways to go recycle it because where I live, we don't have anything like that. And we got over there and we had to unload her car. There was something about throwing these glass bottles in this big dumpster and listening to that break. That was the funny, most emotional releasing thing I've ever done in my life. So if you have a place where you could do something like that, try it. You know, I've never I felt amazing after that. It was lovely. It was great. It was just a way of releasing some pent up energy that just needed to go. So there's lots of different things that you can do. There's lots of different things that you can bring in. It's not just about traditional healing. Anytime we can bring in any of these different side things to help us work through our emotional trauma, the better off you're going to be. So I hope this has been helpful today. I love having you here. If you have any comments, questions you want to reach out to me about anything we talked about today. If you have some illness or something going on and you are just not sure what to do, please reach out to me and let's talk. I would love to help you work through it. I would love to help you see if there's something more that we can do and add in for you to really help you get the relief that you need.

Speaker1: You know, pain management, intuitive healing. I use that a lot. I didn't even write that down, but we use it a lot for to help with pain and pain management and to really help work through these other things, why you're getting the other care that you need. So it can be fabulous in so many levels. So I hope this has been helpful for you today. Have a fabulous day and happy healing, everyone, and I'll see you again next time. Bye bye for now. Thank you so much for tuning in and listening today. I sincerely hope that you enjoyed this podcast. I would love to hear from you. You can reach out to me by email at You can find me on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok as Gina Strole Intuitive Healing. You can also find the full podcast videos on my YouTube channel is Gina Strole Intuitive Healing. If you're interested in working with me or you would like more information about any of the healing programs that I offer, you can find that information on my website at And of course, don't forget that sharing is caring. Share this podcast with a friend and help spread the healing energy around the world. Thank you for listening and joining me today. And I can't wait to connect up with you again.