Intuitive Healing Connection

Do We Need Psychic Protection?

Gina Strole Season 1 Episode 38

Do We Need Psychic Protection?

Today, we're delving into a fascinating and sensitive topic: Psychic Protection and whether we need it. It's a question that doesn't have a one-size-fits-all answer, especially on our spiritual journeys. 

We'll explore why some of us feel the need to "bubble up" and protect ourselves from spirits and unseen forces, and we'll also offer an alternative perspective that empowers rather than instills fear.

But before we get started, don't forget to download your free resource, our masterclass on "7 Spiritual Hygiene Habits to Master Your Energy." It's a valuable tool for navigating this important topic.

Episode Highlights:

Bubbling Up and Beyond: 

I used to teach the concept of "bubbling up," but I've learned so much since then. We'll delve into how this concept has evolved and what it means for your spiritual journey.

The Power of Vibration:

Your vibration matters in the spiritual realm. We'll explore the principle of "like attracts like" and how understanding your own vibration can affect your experiences.

Understanding Fear:

Feeling afraid of the spiritual world is common, but we'll discuss how to interpret these fears and transform them into a source of empowerment.

Energetic Exercise:

Learn how to exercise your energetic muscle and practice so that external influences have less impact on your well-being. We'll provide practical techniques for mastering your energy.

Empaths and Psychic Protection:

Are empaths more susceptible to negative energies? We'll explore the unique challenges faced by empaths and what really happens with energy.

Empowerment vs. Fear:

Many mediumship programs are fear-based, but we'll discuss the importance of empowering instead of frightening students on their spiritual journeys.

Tools for Mastery:

Discover what I recommend for my students as they learn to master their energy. These tools can help you navigate the spiritual world with confidence.

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Speaker1: You are listening to the intuitive healing connection where intuitive healing connects with everyday living. Hi, my name is Gina Strole and I am your host. I am best known as the down to earth energy healer. That doesn't sugarcoat the truth. I walk my clients through the healing process so they can find freedom from their emotional pain, heal from their past, and find peace and joy again. If you are interested in healing your emotional past, tapping into your spiritual side to receive your own answers. Finding your own clarity and discovering your own spiritual truth. And you are in the right place. I am here to lead the way and to help you discover your.

Intuitive healing connection.

Speaker1: Hello, everyone. And I'm so glad that you're here and I'm excited about today's topic. So let's just jump right in and don't want to waste any time because today is kind of a juicy topic and it's one that comes with a little bit of controversy. But you know what? I'm always out for a good conversation because I'm open to, you know, all forms of thinking today. The part that I share with you is what I have discovered over many, many years of working with the spirit world, working with people and helping them discover their true selves, step into the energetic world and really learn to be in that world, be in that space and not be afraid of it. So today's topic is all about is psychic protection needed or is it necessary? You know, do we have to use it? Is it part of should it be part of our everyday practice? Interesting topic, right? Like, where do we go with all of this? Where do you stand on this? Well, I'm hoping today that as I talk about this for you, that it maybe will give you a different insight on it. And, you know, as a healer, I really, really, really believe 100% in stepping out of fear. And that is kind of been the one thing that has fueled me along the way. Really learning to embrace that fear and question it and, you know, get curious about it.

Speaker1: Why do we get afraid? Why are we scared? You know, what's going on. And and this topic is really, for me, something that I have truly had to learn to embrace my fears and face it and question it. And by doing that, it has changed my opinion on this whole topic. But let's start back in the beginning and you know, we'll talk about all of that, but let's kind of go back to the beginning of, you know, this protection of self against the elements of the unknown. You know, this kind of dates back to, you know, early, early times of witches and healers and, you know, this really fear based, um, dogma of needing to be afraid of spirit, needing to be afraid of the energy of the things that we don't understand. And for me, this is one thing that I've discovered with anything when we talk about fear with anything really, when we have these fears, is because we don't understand. And it's not something that we can necessarily explain away. And so we shield ourselves, we protect ourselves kind of against that in hopes of maybe staying away from it or, you know, not getting involved in that. It definitely is an interesting concept for sure. This concept that one must protect their energy from the unknown forces that may lurk around, You know, and we see this a lot in religious beliefs too, as well.

Speaker1: You know, I know when I started coming, you know, out of the closet, so to speak, there was a lot of people in the religious world who, you know, were telling me that what I was doing was evil, that connecting with other people's energy was not right, that the work that I was doing was somehow against God's good graces, which, interestingly enough to me, I have discovered for those who practice in the light or those who are in it to help and to serve, it is so far from anything that we need to be afraid of. But those thoughts, those fears of the unknown has definitely fueled the fires for this concept of protection, of taking care of one's self. Now, as I'm talking about this, know that there are times in the beginning, especially when we first start opening up to energy, there are times when we need to learn some of the basics. It helps us feel safe in our connection with the spirit world and with learning to understand our energy and how that works for us. So there are times, and even in the beginning I taught people the concept of bubbling up, protecting their energy of of really, you know, taking care of themselves energetically. Now, for me, in the beginning, I had to do that for myself as well. And that's why I brought this up, because I do believe that energy healing, energy, world tapping into energy, connecting with spirit, any of these things that we do that where we're connecting with these different energies, we need to learn about our energy field and the way that we learn or the way that we can tap into that and the way that it works best for us.

Speaker1: We need to learn ourself basically, and how it feels for us on what we do with it. And then as we do that, you can start branching out and realizing that you don't need all of those protections in place. You don't need all of those things to help us feel safe anymore. Because once you understand the world, once you understand how energy works, once you understand that vibration matters, it changes. This is a whole game changer in this whole psychic protection thing for me. And my experience in this is it's like a muscle. And the more that you practice really embracing that energetic world, the more healing work that you do on yourself, the more that you embrace these higher vibrations and you know, you really have nothing to fear in this world. Because as we raise our vibration, only those good vibing energies are going to want to be around you anyway. You know, if we think about the energy of likes, you know, liking the kind of energy we're attracted to, that same type of energy as we do that in the energy world, we can totally see that we're not going to be those who are not on our same vibration, don't want to be around you anyway.

Speaker1: And so it's the same thing for Spirit. It's the same thing for everything else in the energetic world as we raise. That vibration. Those lower vibration spirits, those ones that feel heavier, or even the energy around us that feels heavier does not bother us as much anymore. Um, and so as you grow in your energy practice and realize the same thing for me, that as I grew in my practice, as my energy grew, as my energy tolerance level grew, there was no need for this protection at all anymore. Even with the spirit world, even with those in spirit, I've had people tell me, Well, we have to test them and know that it's a good spirit. This was always an interesting concept to me because I didn't really understand the whole testing spirit thing. This comes from various practices too, usually from religious beliefs or cultural beliefs, talking about, you know, the different types of spirits. I just had someone messaging me this morning saying, you know, how do I step out of this fear of being afraid of the spirit world and the things that I see and the things that I do. And I told her, you know what? Here's the deal. We have to either learn to trust or not. And I have a whole guide team behind me.

Speaker1: I have a whole protection team behind me. I can't see them, but I trust them. And I trust that whatever comes my way is for my highest good, whatever thing that I'm supposed to learn, what other thing I'm supposed to get from all of this is for my highest good. And when we can trust in that and step out of the fear, to me, there is nothing to fear but fear itself. Fear keeps us small in all areas of our life. Fear keeps us away from healing. Fear keeps us away from connecting with certain people or certain things or doing certain things that you might learn from. And, you know, growing up, growing up as a medium, I've been in media my whole life. I didn't have a name for it until much later in life. I wrote my story all in my book. You can catch that on my website. But in that I really had to learn so many things and I didn't learn a lot of those things until later on. I was afraid of spirit in the beginning. I didn't understand it. You know, that's when we're afraid of things is when we don't understand them and we don't understand the consequences or what we think might be the consequences. We're going off of what other people have told us, what we've heard, what we feel that we have to do in order to feel safe.

Speaker1: And I have just found that that is not true, that we do not, in fact, curiosity to me in the energy world, curiosity in what's going on and what you're feeling and what you're doing is a much better way to approach this, you know, exercising that muscle. The more that you do it, the stronger that muscle gets. The more that you do it, the more your vibration raises, the more that you tap into letting go of that fear and just learning to trust your muscle, your psychic muscle. This energetic feeling muscle really gets very, very, very strong. And it doesn't the things around you do not bother you as much. Now, let's talk about impasse for a minute, because this applies to me with what I've seen in my practice and what I've done for myself. This applies directly to those that are empathic and feel so many things. Um, you know, early on when I realized why I was feeling the way that I felt, why I had all of this energy that I didn't know what to do with, why I'd walk into a room and suddenly I've got a headache and I'm sick. You know, it was two different things for me. A lot of times it was a spirit world. They were connecting with me. I was wide open and they were just connecting with my energy field.

Speaker1: If they were feeling sad, down, excited, whatever it was, because of my not understanding what all of that meant or what it was for me, you know, I took it on as fear. Excitement to them felt like fear to me. It felt like anxiety. It felt like, you know, that something was wrong. And it was just because I wasn't understanding the message. I didn't know what was going on for me. I went through a development process, which was the best thing that I could have done for myself. I remember asking the spirit world, telling them that, You know what I want to understand? If you want me to do this work, I need to understand what is going on. And I happened to find some of the most beautiful ladies who are still my friends today. Um, Lillian Suarez and Lillian Butcher have been some of the best people that ever came into my life because they taught me not to, not to fear any of it, and to embrace all of it. And I'm so grateful for those practices from them because I have looked around at many other mediumship development programs, and so many of them are fear based, and they come from this place of not empowering people to tap into the connections that they have. Have those connections to me are sacred. Thos