Intuitive Healing Connection

Do We Need Psychic Protection?

Gina Strole Season 1 Episode 38
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00:00 | 31:17

Do We Need Psychic Protection?

Today, we're delving into a fascinating and sensitive topic: Psychic Protection and whether we need it. It's a question that doesn't have a one-size-fits-all answer, especially on our spiritual journeys. 

We'll explore why some of us feel the need to "bubble up" and protect ourselves from spirits and unseen forces, and we'll also offer an alternative perspective that empowers rather than instills fear.

But before we get started, don't forget to download your free resource, our masterclass on "7 Spiritual Hygiene Habits to Master Your Energy." It's a valuable tool for navigating this important topic.

Episode Highlights:

Bubbling Up and Beyond: 

I used to teach the concept of "bubbling up," but I've learned so much since then. We'll delve into how this concept has evolved and what it means for your spiritual journey.

The Power of Vibration:

Your vibration matters in the spiritual realm. We'll explore the principle of "like attracts like" and how understanding your own vibration can affect your experiences.

Understanding Fear:

Feeling afraid of the spiritual world is common, but we'll discuss how to interpret these fears and transform them into a source of empowerment.

Energetic Exercise:

Learn how to exercise your energetic muscle and practice so that external influences have less impact on your well-being. We'll provide practical techniques for mastering your energy.

Empaths and Psychic Protection:

Are empaths more susceptible to negative energies? We'll explore the unique challenges faced by empaths and what really happens with energy.

Empowerment vs. Fear:

Many mediumship programs are fear-based, but we'll discuss the importance of empowering instead of frightening students on their spiritual journeys.

Tools for Mastery:

Discover what I recommend for my students as they learn to master their energy. These tools can help you navigate the spiritual world with confidence.

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