Intuitive Healing Connection

How to Step Into Your Power and Embrace Your Self Worth

Season 1 Episode 40

How to Step Into Your Power and Embrace Your Self-Worth

This episode is very near and dear to my heart as I share my own personal experiences and insights on how I gave my power away to events in my early adulthood and how it sent me spiraling into an energy-diminishing quest to prove my worth. 

But there’s hope! 

We're all guilty of moments when we don't speak up for ourselves, don't put ourselves first, or undervalue the incredible beings that we are. 

It's time to change that narrative and step into our power!

Here's a sneak peek of what you can expect in this episode:

1. How to Understand Your Worth: What does it mean to truly recognize your value, and how can you embrace it in your life?

2. Defining Your Truth: What do you want your truth to be? We delve into the process of defining your personal truth and understanding how it shapes your identity.

3. Rediscovering Your Unwavering Soul: Your soul is a powerful force within you, and it's never diminished, regardless of what life throws your way. Discover how to reconnect with this unshakeable core.

4. Overcoming the Past: Sometimes, we give our power away to past experiences that have left us feeling diminished or unworthy. We'll explore the journey of reclaiming that power and breaking free from the self-doubt.

Listen in to find out how unshackling ourselves from the belief that we need to prove our worth can be liberating!

To listen to the full episode and embark on this transformative journey with me, click on the link below:

It's time to embrace your power, understand your worth, and live life on your terms. Let me know your “Aha” moments after listening! I love to hear them.


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Speaker1: You are listening to the intuitive Healing Connection where intuitive healing connects with everyday living. Hi, my name is Gina Strole, and I am your host. I am best known as the down-to-earth Energy Healer. That doesn't sugarcoat the truth. I walk my clients through the healing process so they can find freedom from their emotional pain, heal from their past, and find peace and joy again. If you are interested in healing your emotional past, tapping into your spiritual side to receive your own answers. Finding your own clarity and discovering your own spiritual truth. Then you are in the right place. I am here to lead the way and to help you discover.

Your own intuitive healing connection.

Speaker1: Hello everyone and welcome to this podcast. I'm so excited that you're here, and I'm excited for today's little topic, because it's all about taking back your power and really stepping back into your own power, and allowing your own intuition and your own guides and tools to lead the way for you. So I love talking about this. I love helping people in the sessions and in my courses, and in everything I talk about is really all about stepping into your own power, because you really are here to, I believe, learn how to do that in a productive way, in an honoring way, and in a way that feels good for you. So I always like to ask everybody a question, and it's who or what are you giving your power away to? You know, there's so many things that happen to us every day. There's people that come into our lives that maybe we just feel like we can't. They're so overbearing or overpowering that we don't get to make choices. We don't get to do what we want to do. There's situations in life where we feel like we just can't do what we want to do. Like there's only one choice, and we have to do what everybody else is telling us to do. The thing is, is there's always a choice. It's what you decide to believe. And every time we get backed into a corner or allow ourselves to get backed into a corner, we give that power away to that person, that thing, that situation, whatever it is that is going on.

Speaker1: And we don't allow ourselves to really step into our power and take control in a way that is honoring for us and of the situation that we desire, or at least voice our opinion and how that needs to go. You know, just because we voice our opinion doesn't mean we're always going to get what we want. But at least we're being honoring to our feelings and how we feel about those situations. So anytime we give our power away, we also give our choices away. So this morning that came out really big for me as I was getting ready to do this podcast. And, you know, there's so many times, even down to the little things of where do you want to go for lunch? And if you say, I don't know, go wherever you want, but you really wanted to go to that restaurant or go to that place, whatever it is for you. But you didn't say it. You gave your power away in that moment. And so if we can remember that, to me, this is a process of really learning to step back into ourselves, to honor ourselves, to honor our true, authentic selves, and really know that it's okay to voice your opinion. Finding that freedom in there and voicing your opinion and expressing what you want and desire and allowing your needs to be heard.

Speaker1: Because all of those are the steps that are needed for you to really step into your true, authentic self. When we give our power away, it's because we don't think we are worthy. It's because we don't believe that we are deserving of that, or that we can have those things, or we're afraid of what the other person's going to think. And so we just keep our mouth shut. I had one of my friends tell me we went camping with some friends over the weekend, and she mentioned, we've been friends for a long time, and we were friends earlier on really close. And then we kind of, you know, went our separate ways. For a lot of years. We were raising kids and, you know, doing our things and got busy with kids. And then we've kind of come back together in our retirement years here. And, and one thing that she said is that when we were early on, she, we all went in one vehicle to Salt Lake together. And she remembers this trip. I didn't know this. She remembers this trip. It's it's a 3.5 hour trip, one way for us. And she remembers this trip because she had to go to the bathroom. And on the way home, my husband was driving and he said, does anybody need to stop in this next town? We can stop and go to the bathroom. And everybody else said, no, I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine.

Speaker1: Well, she wasn't fine, but because everybody else said they were fine, she said, no, it's fine. I can make it till we get home. And she said that next hour was the most miserable she's ever been. Now. I looked at her, I said, oh my gosh, why didn't you just say you needed to go to the bathroom? Like, all you got to do is speak your truth? But she was afraid because everybody else said, no, I'm fine, we're good. Nobody wanted to rock the boat, you know? Nobody wanted to inconvenience anyone else. And so she just agreed to to be in that space even though her body was saying, hello, I need to be like two hours ago, you know? So these are the ways that we need to learn to honor ourselves, honor our worth, and realize, you know what? We are not here to be a burden to the world. You're not here to be a burden. You're here to honor that space, to really step into your power. Because the more that you do that and you honor yourself, the easier it will become. So there was a story that I like to share, and I'm going to share it here on this podcast today, because I think it is one that I have loved, I have used in my classes. I remember I was sitting with spirit and asking them, what can I use as a visual to help my students understand their worth? Because when you understand your worth, you will absolutely 100% step into your power.

Speaker1: So these two go hand in hand when you know who you are. When you understand that you matter. This power struggle won't be as big a power struggle. You will stand up and say, yes, I need to go to the bathroom. Can you please stop at the next? I want to go to Maverik. They have the cleanest bathrooms, you know. You'll even say it that way. Some people may take that as wow, she's a pain in the ass. It doesn't matter because you knew that you needed to honor that space for yourself. So here's the story that I like to share, and I've shared this before, but I'm going to share it here again today because I think it is very monumental and understanding our worth. So I have here. $100 bill. For those of you who are on video with me, you can see the $100 if you're in audio. I am holding a real $100 bill in my hand. I actually had to go get one and bring it up to my office today, because I love using the $100 bill because it's enough value that everybody kind of goes, wow. $100 bill. Um, you know, a $1 bill is kind of like, yeah, but a $100 bill. Although in today's economy, this doesn't buy much anymore, but it's still a very valuable thing. $100 bill.

Speaker1: You wouldn't want to lose, right? All right, so I look at this $100 bill. And does anything that I can do to this $100 bill change its value? Is there anything that I. If I step on it, get it dirty, does it change the value of this? Does it make it any less if I crumple the edges? If you do a little bend here. Does it change the value? If I took a lighter and burnt the ends of it, would it change the value? If I went and put it in the mud and ran over it, if I ripped it in half and taped it back together, would it change the value? With it. The answer is no. Right? So why do we. Base our value and degrade our value with all the little things that happen to us along the way. You know that divorce. Wow, that was a black mark. Somehow, now we're worth less. Our soul is worth less. You know, our parents got a divorce. We were different. You know, we have those body marks on us. We have some facial things that we don't like that makes us less than. You know, our our kids. If your adult kids make decisions that make us look bad, that makes us less than. You know, we made decisions as a teenager that, you know, in my case, one thing that has come up for me a lot lately is, um, my worth around getting pregnant at a young age and bringing a baby into a relationship and having that baggage.

Speaker1: Being baggage, you know, with a kid and money, baggage and all those things. Does that change your worth? Do those situations really change who you are? So if the $100 bill is still worth $100 bill, after you go and put it in the mud and run it through the washing machine and crumple it up and try to iron it back out, and after it gets passed through thousands and thousands of people's hands, does it change the value of it? Not for a minute, but so many times we think that our value has been changed. We tell ourselves that we are less than. We tell ourselves that we don't matter. We tell ourselves these belief system and these illusions that we are not enough and that we will never be enough. And we spend our whole life trying to prove ourselves to everybody else, trying not to be the pain in the ass, trying not to be the burden, trying not to be all these things when it has nothing to do with that. Because our value still remains the same. The only thing that changes is because of those situations. Your thoughts about yourself, about those situations that happen to you. You know, one of the defining moments for me in my life is literally when I did get pregnant. I was with this person, and I remember telling him that I was pregnant, and he told me that he had gotten someone else pregnant, too, at the same time, and that he was going to go and support her.

Speaker1: And basically I was on my own. He didn't want me and that left. That was huge. That was a big mark for me. That was one of those things that left me feeling like I wasn't loved and I wasn't wanted, and and I allowed that to be my story for a lot of years. I allowed that to be the space that I, I came from. That's where my decisions came from, the things that I thought I could do, how smart I was, how pretty I was, how what I had to do to be accepted. You know, I spent a lot of years in anxiety. I spent a lot of years dealing with depression. I spent a lot of years not eating so that I could be skinny enough to be accepted in love, binge eating and puking it up so that I could be accepted and loved. Because nobody wants a fat girl, right? Like, you know, over exercising, over doing everything, over people pleasing, saying yes when the answer was no. Doing all the things, trying to make myself be enough in this world. And the only thing that it got me was exhausted. That's it. And resentful and hateful towards the people around me. Because when we give our power away to all of those people and try to prove ourselves to the world, it will never come up the way that you want it to, ever.