Intuitive Healing Connection
Energy Healing is a world where we face our issues to regain our power. In this podcast, Gina will dive deep into the world of Energy healing to help you heal your past and start to live a life of freedom. She will help you understand how to regain your power to live your best, most peaceful life.
Intuitive Healing Connection
Why Do People Seek Out an Intuitive Healer?
Why Do People Seek Out an Intuitive Healer?
Have you ever felt upset by something but then tell yourself to just “get over it?” We all have emotions and things that have happened to us in our lives that we carry with us if we don't take time to heal them. It isn’t as easy as deciding to just get over it.
Often, we feel like other people have had things worse than us, so we don’t want to complain. But your story matters. It impacts who you are today and how you are showing up in the world.
It also affects your physical health as our bodies are great indicators of what needs to be healed in order to live our best lives.
It doesn’t have to be Intuitive Healing, but I want to share some reasons why people have sought me out and why I do this work from my perspective.
The bottom line is that you have the potential to manifest anything you desire and to create the life you deserve. By understanding how visiting your past can improve your present-day life, you can begin to release the garbage keeping you stuck.
This episode is here to help you recognize signs you need some alternative methods for healing and how this has personally helped me and my clients.
Some key highlights you won’t want to miss!
- How to step out of the emotional baggage that may be holding you back, recognizing that you are a person who matters!
- Why revisiting your past is essential, but it’s not about reliving it.
- I would go out on a limb and make the bold statement that everyone needs healing work.
- You have a choice to heal it now.
- It's not about "getting over" the past but uncovering and releasing hidden pains that ultimately free us from their grip.
- Your story matters.
I hope you enjoy this episode, and if there’s something specific you want to hear me discuss on a podcast, you can send me your questions. Who knows? Maybe your question will be chosen for an upcoming episode.
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Podcast 43 Final Audio.mp3
Speaker1: [00:00:06] You are listening to the Intuitive Healing Connection, where intuitive healing connects with everyday living. Hi, my name is Gina Strole, and I am your host. I am best known as the down-to-earth Energy Healer. That doesn't sugarcoat the truth. I walk my clients through the healing process so they can find freedom from their emotional pain, heal from their past, and find peace and joy again. If you are interested in healing your emotional past, tapping into your spiritual side to receive your own answers. Finding your own clarity and discovering your own spiritual truth. Then you are in the right place. I am here to lead the way and to help you discover your. Intuitive healing connection. Hello and welcome. Welcome to this episode of The Intuitive Healing Connection. I'm so excited that you are here, and I'm excited to talk more about intuitive healing. And today's thing that I want to talk about is why would you seek out an intuitive healer? You know, most people, why the hell would I do that? Why would I why would I want to do that? So I want to talk about some of the reasons that people have told me that they have sought me out. And I'll just kind of talk about intuitive healing in general and what to expect. And my goal here is to really educate you and help you make the best decisions for you and all of your healing needs. And I can do that based on my experiences and the things that I have seen in doing this work for many, many years now, for starting off and doing the healing work of myself, and then getting certified and educated and helping other people heal from their major traumas in life and their things that they need to work through.
Speaker1: [00:02:08] You know, I think a good point to talk about right here is a lot of times we think our story isn't that big of a deal. We think that our things that we've been through are really not that bad because we're constantly comparing ourselves. You know, didn't have an alcoholic father. So my life really wasn't that bad. I didn't have this happen to me. So it really wasn't that bad. You know, we're constantly comparing ourselves to other people's stories that we hear, thinking that our story isn't really that big a deal. The thing is that I have learned over the years is we are all affected differently by the things that happen to us in our lives, and a lot of us don't even know the impact that it has had on our lives. We live in this little bubble and we think, oh my gosh, you know what? It really wasn't that big a deal. I just need to get over it. But yet we ask ourselves constantly, why do I feel that way? Why am I thinking that way? Why do I get so angry? The dumbass neighbor when they do things like that? Why? Why am I doing these things? But we don't have the answers because the answers are hidden.
Speaker1: [00:03:17] That's the hard part, is the answers are totally hidden and they're hidden from us because we're not open to see them. Unless you've been doing this work for a long time, I can now ask myself, why do you feel the way that you do? And I can sit in it for a minute and I will get my answers, but it has taken me a long time to get there, because most of us do not want to wallow in our shit. We don't want to think that we, for one, might be the problem, which it always comes back to something that we need to work on, which is something nobody wants to acknowledge because we don't want to go there. We don't want to. We want to blame all the things around us, the circumstances around us, the people around us, or the way that we are feeling or thinking. And that simply isn't true, because one of the first steps in healing is realizing that you have a choice, and that it is your responsibility. It is not your responsibility for what happened to you when you were growing up. But what you do with it now is your responsibility. That is the big thing with healing. So if there's, you know, if you're struggling in relationships, if you're seeing things kind of fall apart in your life and can't get it, you don't understand why you can't just seem to get your shit together.
Speaker1: [00:04:31] There's some healing work that needs to be done. I would dare venture out and say that everyone needs healing work. And I know that's a pretty bold statement, but there is something that has happened to every single person. Your story matters. Your story is yours alone. Even if the people that you have been through traumas with do not see your story the same way, it doesn't matter. Everything affects us in a different way. We all have different issues. And maybe you don't have a big T trauma. Maybe you have a little T trauma, but to you it is a big T trauma. You know, I use the example of like, maybe your mom took your binky away and she cut the end of it off and threw it in the garbage and said, you're too big to have that. That's ridiculous. You can't do that anymore. And, you know, you felt like you weren't loved when she did that, because you needed that for safety and security, and you didn't have that anymore. You know, maybe your mom wasn't emotionally available for you for a lot of years and threw that binky away. And that was what you looked to for your support and to feel safe and supported. You know, that sounds really crazy. People are like, so what? They threw your binky away. You're probably too big for it. But at the time that was a trauma for you.
Speaker1: [00:05:54] That felt too much, that felt overwhelming. And I guarantee you, you told yourself, you know what? I must not be good enough for her. I must not be loved enough. She must not care about me enough. I must not be worth it to her, enough for her to figure me out, to realize that I still needed that in my life. And so there are stories connected with that that are attached to that. Now, that's kind of for some of you, you're like, well, that's a little bit ridiculous. I need to get over it. We don't just get over things. You don't just get over shit. We have emotions packed behind it, we have reasons packed behind it, and it's uncovering those and allowing that to leave your physical body, which is what helps you get over it. Not by ignoring it and shoving it down and shoving it in a deeper, deeper hole. You know, I believe 100% that our body goes through dis ease because of the emotions and the feelings and the beliefs that we have packed inside of it. It is all energetic. It all has to go somewhere. It has to have a place to rest, and it just expands in there and grows and gets nasty. Eventually something's going to kind of happen that you're going to have to face it. So you can either start facing your issues now. And do it before something tragic happens.
Speaker1: [00:07:14] You know, I look at people who go through a lot of physical illness. There's a reason behind it, and it's always starts energetically first. If we can start doing our healing work and start releasing those and allowing the body the space to heal because it wants to heal, it wants to heal itself. Everything is started energetically first before it leads into a physical problem. And so if we can start doing that work early, it doesn't mean that there's a guarantee that you'll never be sick or you'll never have cancer, you'll never have all these things, but it means that you're giving your body a space and an opportunity to heal like it needs to. It needs to have that openness on the inside. So as we release all of these emotions and allow them to go out, it gives our physical body an opportunity, the space that it needs to heal and do what it was designed to do. That energy has to go somewhere and it literally gets packed inside of your physical body. You know, if you're packing on extra pounds, if you're, you know, there's and there's a lot of things that can go into that. I have struggled with my weight for a lot of years. I have thyroid conditions that started there. That was where I have done my main focus and now worked out into other areas of my life. It doesn't mean that everything's going to be perfect, it just means that we're giving our bodies that opportunity to be healthier, to be in a safe place, to have it, to feel safe and secure.
Speaker1: [00:08:33] Have you feel safe and secure with every layer that you peel back, it gives you the opportunity to do just that. So, you know, this is kind of what these are some ways or some ways that you can know that maybe you need to seek out a healer. You know, anytime you're struggling with any physical illness, anything that's going on in your life, any type of of emotional healing that you can do, intuitive healing that you can do will help you work through all of those elements. Um, you know, depending on where you're at in your illness, sometimes it can completely take it away. Sometimes it can make it so that if you bring in that intuitive healing and maybe you need some medical intervention together, you can heal that together. So it just kind of depends on the situation and how far into it you are. Um, anytime that you're feeling like you're in this depression, this sadness or sorrow, you can't seem to get out of your hole. This is a good time to seek that out as well. This is also the time that we don't want to seek it out, because we don't want to deal with it. We think that we can just run from it. Run from it is never a good plan. It's never a good idea to run from what's going on in your head, you know, and it's always the best to turn around and face whatever is going on in your life.
Speaker1: [00:09:58] To me, this is the spiritual side of the healing. I don't want to run from anything anymore. It takes too much energy to run. It's exhausting to run. And if you're finding yourself tired all the time, wanting to crawl in bed early, you want to just get away from people. This is a time you need to start seeking out some healing. What's going on? What are you running from? Why? Why this energetic? Why are you feeling so unsafe? There's always reasons behind everything that's going on in your life, and it's whether or not we're willing to look at them or not. It's not that we don't have the medical side of it to take care of, but our bodies are a very good indicator on what we need for healing and what we need to work on and to help us live our best lives. If you're running from your life and peace and contentment is the goal, we're on total opposite sides of that. You know you cannot get from that place, from running from it to peace, not in a in a normal way. It's not going to work like those are two different things. Those are two different energies. And so for me, the goal is to find total peace in my life. If I want to do that, then you've got to stop running and you've got to start facing the things that are going on in your life.
Speaker1: [00:11:09] If you're struggling in a relationship, you're having a hard time letting relationships go. If you're having a hard time facing life every day, if you're getting up and just not feeling like things are okay, this is an opportunity for you to do some healing work. Anything that happens to you in life is an opportunity for healing. And I've said this a million times. Anything that we go through, anything that triggers us up, anything that you know, it can be as simple as a new neighbor moving in and that's causing an uproar, which is a total opportunity for healing to, you know, loss of a loved one, you know, major, major traumas, major situations that are going on in our life. Any of these opportunities are an opportunity for healing. And any time that we can embrace those opportunities, we will be much better off as we peel back the layers and open ourselves up to the healing process and really revealing again, opening up that true, authentic you. The one thing that I hear a lot, and I ask people a lot in the first couple of sessions that I do with them, is what do you really want? And people who haven't been open. Those who haven't been open to see themselves, and knowing and understanding that they can create the life that they want. They don't know what they want.
Speaker1: [00:12:29] They have no idea. The thing that I want to help you realize is that you can have anything that you want. You can do anything that you want to do in life. We just have to step out of our garbage. We have to step out of this heavy, heavy emotional baggage that we've been carrying and realize that you know what you do matter in this world. You have to step into our self-worth, our understanding. But we do it by going to the past and releasing the garbage that got us there in the first place. It's not. And I said this before, I've said this a million times. It's not that we go relive it. We go and really work with our inner child. We work with those inner parts of ourselves, giving ourselves what we need, allowing ourselves to find peace in that situation and then releasing it completely and letting it go. And that is how the healing process works. It is a marvelous process. It is a beautiful process. This can help with anything that you are dealing with in your life. You know, I work with people every day from relationships to business matters to, you know, healing their own lives, working with their past, you know, healing the relationship between them and their parents, learning to let go of relationships when you need to let go. You know, marriage, relationships, intimate relationships. We work on all different levels of stuff and it can all be done through this intuitive healing.
Speaker1: [00:13:50] I love it that I have this vast array of knowledge in order to help you in all these different areas. It's not about what you're struggling with. It literally is going back and releasing that tether that is holding you back from letting that struggle go. And when we get to the point where we can really start to let those struggles go, this is where you're going to blossom into the beautiful soul that you have always been. This is where people are going to see you, and they're going to start saying, oh my gosh, you look freaking amazing. What are you doing? And you're going to go, you know what? I'm just working out my stuff. I'm really just learning to love me again because that's what this comes down to, I believe. Our first lesson here in this physical existence is learning to love ourselves unconditionally and letting go of all of the thoughts, patterns, and the social stipulations and the things that have been placed upon us. A lot of them aren't even ours. A lot of them come from family stuff, family beliefs, family genetics. You know, they've been passed down and we can release all of those and let those go and allow these generational family healing that can happen and really allow you to step into your true authentic self. There's so many parts of this. It's such a big, wide open area, but yet it's so simple because this is what it really comes down to, is you.
Speaker1: [00:15:19] Doing what you need to do to step into your true authentic self. And it really is an individual process, one that I know that I can't do by myself because I need someone who can see me, see me for who I truly am, understand me on a different level, and help me get to where they see me. That's the that's the kind of person that I want, and I love doing that for my clients as well. I do, I see you on a soul level. I see the beautiful, loving, glowing soul that you are and none of these things that you have been through. You don't deserve to be in this hole. You deserve to understand that those were experiences and you can choose to let them go. And that's what I want for you, is to be able to choose to let those things go, to really release them, release that heavy energy that you've been holding onto for so many years. I have clients who, once they start doing this work, they just drop weight because the weight that they've been holding onto is this energetic weight. You know, once they start stepping into who they truly are, they just simply just let it go. I have clients who have had other major physical changes in their life. Their health has changed. Maybe they've been struggling with health issues. And by working through their past, their health situations have changed.
Speaker1: [00:16:44] Their life has changed. Relationships have changed. You know, if you're struggling in your marriage and you don't know why. And, you know, we always need to go inward and look at us and what are our parts that we need to work on, what do we need to heal any time we're in intimate relationships, even friendships, even these type of relationships, we always need to be looking at ourselves, asking ourselves, what do we need to work on? And what do we need to do? Because none of us are perfect. All of us have baggage. It's just what we choose to do with it. And it's not even a bad thing. I don't see it as a bad thing. I see it as a good thing. It's an opportunity for learning and growth. That's it. And when we can start seeing our emotions, seeing our baggage is just that. This is where true healing happens. So I hope this has been helpful for you. If you have any questions about all of this, just reach out to me. Let's talk about it. You can send me your questions too. If there's something that you would like me to talk about specifically as far as intuitive healing or, you know, on the lines of how we heal or you know what to heal. If this is a problem, send me your questions in my email. You'll find it in the show notes. Send me those questions and I'll address them directly, because I would love to answer anything that you have on all of this, so I hope this has been helpful for you.
Speaker1: [00:18:02] Happy healing. And of course, if I can help you heal, reach out to me. Let's set up a date. Let's make a date and I would love to help you and support you through all of your healing journey because that's what I'm here to do. I'm here to serve. I'm here to love you, and I'm here to help you learn to love yourself again. So we will see you on the next podcast. Have a fabulous day, and we'll talk to you again very soon—Bye-bye for now.
[00:18:31] Thank you so much for tuning in and listening today. I sincerely hope that you enjoyed this podcast. I would love to hear from you. You can reach out to me by email at ginastrole.com. You can find me on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok as Gina Strole Intuitive Healing. You can also find the full podcast videos on my YouTube channel as Gina Strole Intuitive Healing. If you're interested in working with me, or you would like more information about any of the healing programs that I offer, you can find that information on my website at ginastrole.com. And of course, don't forget that sharing is caring. Share this podcast with a friend and help spread the healing energy around the world. Thank you for listening and joining me today, and I can't wait to connect up with you again.