Intuitive Healing Connection

What to Expect in a Mediumship Reading and How to Maximize Your Experience

Gina Strole Season 2 Episode 48

Are you wondering what you can expect in a mediumship reading and how you can get the most out of your upcoming session? In this 3rd episode of a 4-part series about Mediumship readings – I’m sharing the behind-the-scenes of what you can expect and how to help your medium create the climate to deliver the most evidence-based information to you.

Trust me, this isn't your run-of-the-mill information you can easily Google. It's a blend of wisdom drawn from years of professional experience and a profound journey of continuous learning.

Whether you’ve had a mediumship reading before or this is new to you, I've got you covered. In the first two episodes, I laid the foundation for understanding the nuances of this fascinating practice. If you haven't had a chance to tune in yet, you can catch up on parts one and two through the resources provided below.

Now, let's unravel some of the burning questions you may have about mediumship readings:

  • Do you have to be in person for a reading?
  • Should you prepare specific questions beforehand?
  • What kind of responses are appropriate, and how much information should you divulge?
  • How often should one seek a mediumship reading?

Beyond addressing these questions, I'll guide you through the typical flow of a mediumship reading. Understanding this process can significantly enhance your experience and open the door to a more profound connection.

Join me as we navigate the world of mediums with insights that extend far beyond conventional knowledge.

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Gina: [00:00:03] You are listening to the Intuitive Healing connection where intuitive healing connects with everyday living. Hi, my name is Gina Strole and I am your host. I am best known as the down-to-earth energy healer. That doesn't sugarcoat the truth. I walk my clients through the healing process so they can find freedom from their emotional pain, heal from their past, and find peace and joy again. If you are interested in healing your emotional past, tapping into your spiritual side to receive their own answers. Finding your own clarity and discovering your own spiritual truth. Then you are in the right place. I am here to lead the way and to help you discover.

[00:00:49] Your own intuitive healing connection.

Gina: [00:01:01] Hello everyone and welcome back to this mediumship series where we're talking all about readings, when to know when to get a reading. Today we're going to talk about what to expect during a reading and what should kind of go down in a reading. So I'm excited to share all this information with you, to educate you, to help you. Because I know in my experience, this isn't something you're going to go find on Google. Um, you know, this information has come from my own experience doing, um, mediumship readings, um, doing my development process and really honing in on my understanding of how all of this works. So let's get right down to it today. Let's go deep. I want to talk about how or what to expect when you go for a reading. So usually you would schedule with the medium, whoever that is, they're going to set up a date and time. The question that I get asked the most is do we have to be in person? No, no. Spirit is universal. Spirit is everywhere. You do not have to be in person. You do not have to go see a medium in person in order to have a great reading. It just simply isn't true. Um, you know, I like to think about spirit energy like electricity. Do you have to be setting at the the plant where the electricity is made in order to get electricity? No, it travels through all the cords, all the places, all the things.

Gina: [00:02:31] Spirit energy is the same length, so you do not have to be in person to receive a reading. Um, you can do it over zoom and all of my readings now, all of my healings, everything that I do is over zoom. Um, I don't see people in person anymore. I did for a long time. Um, my circumstance and situations have changed, and I just decided, you know what? They're. There is no reason that we have to be setting in person in order to get the information that we need. So you can see anybody, anywhere over a zoom call for healing work, for spirit readings, for all the things you can see them everywhere. So, um. What to expect. So you'll make that appointment. They should not ask you any questions. Sometimes they will ask if you have had a loved one pass within a specific a shorter period of time. That is a question that they probably will ask you. Um, they shouldn't ask you anything about who you want to connect with any of that, that none of that should happen. Um, a true a true medium will not ask you any of those questions, but they will ask you if it's been long enough, mostly because of the reasons that we have talked about. And if you're ready, if you caught my last podcast, When to Know When You're Ready, they want you to be ready to hear the message that spirit is going to deliver for you.

Gina: [00:03:54] It is a waste of their time and your time. If you're not and you don't want to do that, um, you'll just come away frustrated. They'll be frustrated. They may not be frustrated. A good medium wouldn't be frustrated. They just understand. But they know that if they would have asked this question before, we could have avoided a lot of that frustration. So you need to be in a space that you are ready to hear the message. So they may ask you that, but they should not ask you any other questions. Um, at the time of the reading, you'll show up on the zoom call or in person, however they choose to do it. Um, at that point, your job is to say yes, no, and I don't know. Those are your responses. So if you're sitting here in this reading and what an evidential medium would say is, you know what, I have a and I'm just going to make up something here. Okay. So I have a gentleman here who would have passed. He would have been, um, older in years. He's showing me his age to be, you know, 85. Um, he had thinning hair, showing me kind of a bald head on top. He would have had a bigger belly. He's pointing to his heart, which I would have assumed would have been heart issues that he passed away from.

Gina: [00:05:13] My heart hurts. Um, I have some pain in my chest. I'm feeling that from him. Um, he would have also left behind a wife. Whatever. So your job in that information, sometimes they give it to you that fast. Sometimes, you know, you can. You just say, yes, I understand that information or. No, I do not. Sometimes it's a maybe because sometimes we might get information and we are thinking of. Maybe 2 or 3 people, and we need to kind of narrow it down. Maybe it would, um, you know, maybe it would be for a couple people that, you know, that could, um, take all of that information. You can just say maybe at that point and allow them to continue. You don't need to explain. In fact, you don't want to explain because they have connected to spirit. They are in this altered state. You need to let them stay there. If you want to have a conversation after the reading and let them know that is perfectly fine. Um, I work with a lot of students and this is what we do is in order to be if you want to help your your medium out, you need to stick with the yes no. And I don't know, um, most mediums will tell you this when we start. You know what? I'm here to deliver the information to you. I want to give you the best reading possible.

Gina: [00:06:27] So why we're doing this? If you could just say yes. No. And I don't know, um, you know, sometimes it can be a maybe, but usually. And I don't know, you know, you can you can interchange those words if you need to, but do not elaborate on the information that you're receiving. So just allow them to give you that information to bring it forward. Um. You should get to the point where you know who you're connecting with. There should be this point where you're like, yep, there's no doubt they'll. And when I was doing this professionally all the time, I would ask for it to give me the the smoking gun, so to speak. The one thing that would let them know exactly who they were connecting with. Sometimes that can be a name, sometime that, you know, can be, you know, only something that that person would have done, you know, maybe they liked. I'm seeing the hard candies, the old hard candies, like the swirly ones, the taffy looking things that were super hard in my head. You know, they had these. He had these on the counter all the time. You know, sometimes it can be things like that or, you know, there was a ring in the family, or there was a gemstone or there was, you know, some something that is the smoking gun that you would absolutely just know that that was your Uncle Greg, whoever, whoever it is that you're connecting with.

Gina: [00:07:40] Right. Like so. And at that point, once you've established who you're with, this is when the healing message comes in. So this is when you can just start. They allow spirit to just say, you know, what is the message? What is it that you need them to hear. You know, this is where that support comes in. This is where that love. But absolutely, we need to establish who we're connecting with in the beginning. So that should be, um, the beginning part of that. Um, usually during a reading you'll go through 2 or 3 maybe, you know, depending on how long the reading lasts. Um, you know, souls on the other side and a private reading and, you know, you'll again do that connection part, that evidence part, and then they'll give you that healing message. And that's kind of how it should for most people. I would think that's kind of that's how I have done it. That's how I was taught to do it. Um, for a lot of people, that's how it should happen here. Again, if you're connecting with just a medium, not a psychic. These are not psychic readings. You know, this is really true evidential mediumship of just connecting with spirit and allowing you to know that your loved ones are there with you. That is the purpose of this reading. You should feel uplifted after a very, very kickass good reading.

Gina: [00:08:58] You should walk away feeling. I call it kind of the emotional high. There should not be a confusion, there should not be this sense of uneasiness. Or, you know, you should walk out of there being very grateful for the information that you just received, being very grateful to the souls who connected with you, knowing that they're with you and feeling very supported and loved. That should be the goal at the end of the reading. If everything now, not every reading is perfect. Not every medium can connect with your loved ones. This is. The other thing is, you know, I have readings where, um, I had this one lady come and see me, and she had been to several different mediums. I couldn't connect with her husband. I just, I why I, I don't know, was it the day was it the I don't know, you know, it's like that connection just wasn't there. I connected with other people but not with her husband. Who that's who she kind of wanted to connect with. You know, on the other side, not every medium is your souls. Medium. I believe that our souls on the other side start kind of lining this up. And it's interesting because I, I have had friends who have lost their husbands and, um, for those who want to connect with their wives, it's really interesting because they will come to me and they will say, because they know I know a lot of mediums and they know I won't do their reading because I know them and they'll say, you know what? Can you set it up with this person so that I can connect with my wife? They'll they already have.

Gina: [00:10:31] They've kind of been out there filling out my fillers, seeing who I know, what I know, and who would be able to connect best with them to give the best reading for them. Because as mediums, we have to have a we call it a library. They use our memories, they use our thought processes, they use our things that we understand in order to convey the message for us. So, you know, if it was a big football fan, I wouldn't be able to do any of that because I could care less about football. In fact, I really kind of despise football. And so, you know, somebody who's into that, and that was their life. They probably would not come and connect with me because I'm not on their same wave level, you know? And so spirit really starts seeking out the person who can deliver their message the best. And and so it's really kind of an interesting process. I believe spirit brings us together. They kind of they are kind of the connector all on the other side, choosing you as their medium, choosing me as their medium, or whoever it is that can deliver their message the best.

Gina: [00:11:36] And I just think that is super cool. Um, I love that and I love how they can see that and they know. So, you know, that energetic lineup is really important to with who will deliver. Deliver our message the best, or deliver their message the best for them, because we have to have that library or that bank of information in the background in order for us to be able to give the information the best that we know how. So not every medium is your medium, not every medium. Maybe they're not going to be able to connect with your particular loved one, and we just have to be open to all of that and trust it. You know, just if you have had a bad reading, for those of you out there, if you've had a bad reading, you know, don't write it off completely. It's like, you know what? There are many, many, many brilliant mediums out there, um, many, many really good people out there who deliver amazing freaking messages. And it's really cool that the information that they can come up with, if you're one of my favorite things to do, is set and watch mediums work now because I understand how it works. I just sit there and I'm just like, so freaking cool. Um, I understand the fundamentals behind the connection and how all those connections work, but it is really fabulous.

Gina: [00:12:51] You know, if you want to, um, Google, there's some really old mediums that are on YouTube. Actually, there's Edgar Casey. Um, Mavis Pitilla is one of my favorite mediums. I have sat through many of her classes. I freaking loved her. She passed away this last year. Um, she was a marvelous medium and she would have conversations with spirit just like. In fact, she would get mad at US mediums because she said, quit being the secretary and delivering a written down message. You know, she's like, you just start having conversations with spirit and and connecting that information with our loved ones like a, like a flawless conversation. There's some beautiful mediums out there, is amazing to watch them work and watch them connect with the spirit world and the spirit realm and the information that they receive, um, is fabulous. So really, this is this is an intriguing process to me. I consider it very much an intriguing process, and seeing how other people get their information and the information that they get versus what I get. You know, I always, um, a lot of people struggle with names. Sometimes they just drop in and it's good. But if you don't have that name bank in your brain, it's going to be pretty hard to deliver some of the names. Um, you know, some mediums are afraid to throw those names out there because, you know, you can have names dropping to your head and maybe it's not right.

Gina: [00:14:15] You know, that's where that development process all comes in. But anyway, you know, there's there's a lot of different ways, um, that spirit can connect with the medium. And so, you know, if you have had a bad reading, if you, if it didn't work out real well, get a new medium, seek someone else out. Um, you know, really, because this really can be a fabulous process. The other thing that I want to throw out here that I've had happen to me, I've actually had people who have reached out to me and they want to do a monthly reading with spirit. Okay, I call bunk on this because it is not Spirit's job to come connect with the spirit. You're putting a responsibility on them that is not theirs. They don't see the purpose of this. I don't see the purpose of having that connection with them monthly. Because for one thing, it's your job to learn to connect with your loved one in a different way. I believe that wholeheartedly. I believe that's part of our healing. That's part of us taking responsibility for their for their passing on our healing and our growth, and really not relying on someone else to make that connection for us. It's not that we can't seek out mediumship readings. I love having them. I think they're fun to do. I'm not seeking it out though, as a healing purpose.

Gina: [00:15:29] I'm seeking it out as you know, just a way of I can't wait to see what information comes through today because it's really kind of interesting to me, but I don't believe in putting that responsibility on spirit to connect with you once a month to give you that reassurance every month. I just don't see it. I see these kind of as a maybe a periodic thing or even maybe a once in a, you know, once in a lifetime thing. I don't want to go quite that far, but I don't see this as something that is needing to happen all the time. You know, we really have got to do our own healing work, get to a place where we're at acceptance of where we're at and what's going on, and knowing that our loved one is there with us all the time. Trusting the spirit, trusting the universe, you know, trusting our existence to know that we are supported and we are loved. It's not that, you know it's bad to go do that. I just don't see the healing purposes in all of that. Um, I see that as a lot of ways of, you know, mediums keeping people coming back. And, and I just don't see the healing purpose in it. And so, you know, think about that as you're doing that, too. The whole point of this is for healing message for you to feel supported and loved.

Gina: [00:16:43] Um, you know, and it could be a way, if you're at this acceptance point, you know, in your in your stages of grief, it could be a way for you to finally let go of that last little bit of, you know, whatever's going on. Sometimes spirit can bring forth one of the most beautiful healing messages. It's not that it is not their job to heal us, it's just that is not the sole purpose of that. We need to take responsibility for ourselves. And mediumship readings can be very, very healing if they're done in the right time and done in the right way, and the information is brought forth that we need to hear, you know, sometimes we just need that that little bit of them telling us that it's okay, that the decisions that we made at the end of their life were fine, and that they're okay with all of their decisions now. They were always okay with it. But we need to hear that sometimes we need that, and that little bit of just that information can release so much inside of us. And we can maybe finally kind of let go. So there is that part of it. The this is and to me, this is why it's not needed to do it all the time. You know, we're just maybe you just need that last little bit of letting go, letting them know that they are okay.

Gina: [00:17:49] You know, sometimes we need that reassurance that they're okay. You know, maybe if they were in a lot of pain when they passed away, we're worried about them. We're wondering how they're doing. How are they? Now, I know that they're okay because they let that physical body go. But if you need that for that reassurance, this is perfect time to go and get that information. You know, um, spirit knows what you need. Trust in the information that you get in a reading. Um, trust and know that you don't need to micromanage them and tell them what to bring forward. They know what you need. And if you trust in that, you get this acceptance point and you just trust in the reading. That is when you're going to get the best reading. If you go into it with a if they don't say this one thing, um, I'm going to know this is all bullshit. You know how many times we want to test the media, we want to test the spirit. We want to, you know, we need to go into it with an open mind, knowing that we will get the information that we need. We will get the very best reading that we need. And if you will open up to that kind of energy, you will get exactly what you need. It may not be what you wanted, but you will get exactly what you need so that you can move forward after your loss.

Gina: [00:19:00] So that is my message for you today. It's going to be okay. Everything is okay. This is all a process. This all takes time. You know, we don't just magically get over it. We need to do our healing work. We need to do the very best that we can do. We need to be open to feel our feelings, open to know when you're ready and be open to hear the message that is coming your way. So that is my message for you today. I hope you've enjoyed this. I will see you again on the next podcast. Thanks for being here. Have a marvelous day. Thank you so much for tuning in and listening today. I sincerely hope that you enjoyed this podcast. I would love to hear from you. You can reach out to me by email at You can find me on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok as Gina Strole Intuitive Healing. You can also find the full podcast videos on my YouTube channel as Gina Strole Intuitive Healing.

[00:20:02] If you're interested in working with me, or you would like more information about any of the healing programs that I offer, you can find that information on my website at And of course, don't forget that sharing is caring. Share this podcast with a friend and help spread the healing energy around the world. Thank you for listening and joining me today, and I can't wait to connect up with you again.