Intuitive Healing Connection

Empowering Women with Thyroid Conditions: Finding Hope and Healing with McCall McPherson

Gina Strole Season 2 Episode 52

In this episode of the Intuitive Healing Connection Podcast, we're joined by McCall McPherson, a renowned expert in holistic health practices. McCall graciously shares her insights and expertise, offering a fresh perspective on achieving optimal health and happiness.

Join us for an enlightening conversation as McCall shares her transformative insights and challenges conventional approaches to healthcare. Whether you're seeking alternative methods for thyroid care or looking to enhance your overall well-being, this episode offers invaluable guidance and inspiration.

What to Expect:

Revolutionary Approach for Women:

McCall unveils her revolutionary approach tailored specifically for women seeking to enhance their well-being. Through holistic practices and personalized care, listeners will discover new pathways to holistic health and fulfillment.

Challenging Conventional Medicine:

Explore the flaws in Western medicine's treatment of thyroid disorders as McCall challenges conventional approaches. By advocating for a more holistic and personalized approach to thyroid care, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the importance of individualized healthcare.

Believe Women's Experiences:

McCall emphasizes the significance of believing women's experiences in their journey towards wellness. Through her insights, we hope you will find inspiration for the power of personal stories and the importance of advocating for individual healthcare needs.

Tune in to Episode 52 of the Intuitive Healing Connection Podcast to unlock the code to optimal health and happiness with McCall McPherson.

About McCall:

McCall McPherson, a physician's assistant and thyroid expert, founded Modern Thyroid Clinic and owns Thyroid Nation, a leading advocacy platform. Drawing from her personal thyroid journey, she speaks widely on podcasts and summits, including hosting Thyroid Nation Radio, dedicated to improving thyroid treatment.

You can find her here:

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Gina: [00:00:03] You are listening to the Intuitive Healing Connection where intuitive healing connects with everyday living. Hi, my name is Gina Strole and I am your host. I am best known as the down-to-earth Energy Healer that doesn't sugarcoat the truth. I walk my clients through the healing process so they can find freedom from their emotional pain, heal from their past, and find peace and joy again. If you are interested in healing your emotional past, tapping into your spiritual side to receive your own answers. Finding your own clarity and discovering your own spiritual truth. Then you are in the right place. I am here to lead the way and to help you discoverour own intuitive healing connection.

Gina: [00:01:02] Hello everybody, and welcome to The Intuitive Healing Connection. I am so excited to be here today. My guest today is a phenomenal woman that I have, McCall McPherson here with me today. She is a PA and an expert by the way of being a thyroid um, patient herself. She specializes in complex thyroid disorders, um, with a functional medicine approach. She has changed my life in the last year and the entire life of my family, and many around the world. Welcome, McCall McPherson, to be here with us today. Welcome, McCall.

McCall: [00:01:36] Thank you. Thank you so much for having me. I'm totally honored and excited to be here and have this conversation with you.

Gina: [00:01:43] I am too, I know that what we talk about today is going to change a lot of people's lives, because you have made such a difference in my life, and just the last year that I have found you. And I realized a few months ago we were just talking about before we started recording today, that I was in cleaning out my closet and realized I had lost £40 this year, and I did. I started crying, I was like, oh my gosh, this woman has made such a difference in my life. Just these few changes that we have made and being able to work with you and hear from you and such a different story for thyroid care than what I was getting from, um, normal Western medicine is what we call it. Um, and so I, I wanted to have you on and I wanted to talk and share your message with so many people because I know there's so many people that I work with every day that need you. And we all need you. We all need you. So welcome, welcome, welcome.

McCall: [00:02:40] Thank you. I really do think there's such a message of hope that is lost for women with thyroid conditions, or that think they have a thyroid condition that are being told, hey, no, everything's fine. Um, but the message of hope is, look, if you can get to the right person, your whole life can change in such a short period of time. Because I know it feels so hopeless for a lot. I remember feeling that way myself as a patient. So. But truly, your life can can change in a shorter period of time than most people can imagine.

Gina: [00:03:13] I have found that to be true because I stumbled on you. It was really interesting. I don't know if I've ever told you the story on how I found you, but because I'm a business owner, I was looking for different social media avenues, and I really felt this strong pull to go to TikTok. And I hadn't started on TikTok yet. And the minute I went and signed up for TikTok, here's my call in my feed every single day. There was no coincidence. It was like, and and I remember I had done my vision board for last year, and one of the things was to get my health in order, like I had so many little things going on. I had so many. Yeah, I just can't even tell you when doctors were telling me, you need to take blood pressure medicine, you need to do all this. And I'm like, no, I need to get my thyroid under control. You know, since I had had my thyroid taken out like eight years ago. But you showed up in my TikTok feed and wow, I changed my life since then. Like there has been no turning back for me. So that's how that all happened.

McCall: [00:04:13] I had no idea. And the flip side, you know, I committed to myself if I could come up for air in clinic and take a little carve out a little time. I promised myself I would get on TikTok. I did, and the first day I was on there, I went viral. Like it was like it was where I was supposed to be to get my message out. And it's been such an it's just been an incredible experience. It really has just the community there is. Yeah, that's so crazy.

McCall: [00:04:39] Because I was like, who knew? Like who literally knew? I thought I was going to TikTok for my business stuff. No, I was going for you.

McCall: [00:04:46] Which in turn goes for your, you know, like when you feel well, you get to your productivity goes up, you pour into your business, you pour into your family like it changes everything.

McCall: [00:04:56] It absolutely has changed everything in my life. So I, I know your story and I think it's phenomenal. I would love for you to share your story today. Um, yeah. And how you got to where you were at because you haven't always been in this place.

McCall: [00:05:10] Yeah. No, I haven't, you know, so I'm a pa, I'm a physician assistant or what's called a physician associate at this point, um, graduated, expected to practice normal run of the mill medicine and was hit really hard with my own thyroid condition. I had already been diagnosed, was on medication, but really, really took a turn for the worse when I was 27 and was non-functioning. I mean, I was going to bed literally at 330 in the afternoon every day. Basically, the moment I got home from work, I went to bed to try to, like, recover from the workday and then anticipate and rest enough for the next day. And that was my whole life. For the better part of the year, I was already practicing medicine. I would say I was an informed kind of consumer of my health. Went to my primary care doctor, you know, said, hey, look, I've got a to Z thyroid symptoms of fatigue and brain fog, and I'm holding on to weight and I'm losing my hair and my my skin is dry and I'm depressed and cold. And, you know, I've got all these symptoms. I hit all the marks. And he told me that my thyroid looked normal and left there, went home. When you have so much brain fog to. It's like such a complicated thing to navigate. I just remember feeling so hopeless and, you know, went home eventually, did some research, and I'm like, look, there's more labs that can be run. Maybe that's the problem. Went back, asked to get more labs, was denied, then told, hey, we actually need to reduce your synthroid because, um, your TSH is too low.

McCall: [00:06:44] And I was like, oh my God, if you take anything away from me, I don't know how I'm even going to exist anymore. So eventually I got on the wait list for one of the only physicians in Austin at the time that specialized in thyroid, that had an integrative approach back then, that was kind of what the options were. Waited to see him, saw him, and kind of like you. I got my life back in a record time, you know, really, really quickly. He became a mentor to me. I was obviously very impassioned for this. I was practicing functional and integrative psychiatry at that time, and I not many people know this, but in my functional and integrative medicine psychiatry practice, there was a turn in my new patients, and at 1.85% of my new patients were thyroid. They had heard I'd fixed enough people with treatment resistant depression that took my information and spread it across thyroid forums, that they actually built a thyroid practice inside of a practice that never expected to be. And I remember when my first patient flew in to see me from out of state. This was like almost ten years ago. I remember thinking, oh my God, I'm doing the wrong thing. Like I'm supposed to be serving these people every time they come in. It makes me so happy to help them. And that's how Modern Therapy Clinic was born.

Gina: [00:08:01] That is so crazy. That isn't it interesting how we find our little niches? Like, it's like we just kind of get nudged over here, go over here, go do this. Like, I feel so.

McCall: [00:08:13] Fortunate that I got nudged into this, you know, I feel like it's changed my whole life. And I've gotten to change thousands of lives of women, which in my viewpoint, then changes thousands of families. It changes generations because the impact that women and mothers have on the family unit is it's the glue. It's the thing that pushes everything forward. And so a breakdown, there is a breakdown in so many other aspects. So it's such an honor.

Gina: [00:08:45] It it absolutely is. And and I've noticed that too, even with, you know, my struggle all these years, I've been 22 years trying to find the answers that that I found with you in a very short period of time. In fact, I remember one of the first things that I did with you is I took your thyroid class. Yeah, I love that. I it changed my whole it gave me such a deeper understanding so that I could go advocate for myself, because before I didn't know what was wrong. I just knew I didn't feel well, and I just knew that I'm going to the doctor and they're like, well, here, you know, by the time I got to you, I was taken three times more, um, level, you know, which we'll talk about the medications here in a little bit. But then I've ever taken in my whole life and feeling worse than I've ever felt in my whole life, like, it's like, really, this whole process is just very interesting. But, um, so let's talk a little bit one of my favorite questions that I sent you and you and I were talking about, what is your biggest gripe? We're talking about all these things and not being able to find our answers. Oh, um, what is your biggest gripe with Western medicine? Let's just go there.

McCall: [00:09:50] You know, obviously, I would say there's kind of two tiers. My first tier, of course, is we are operating on a treatment and diagnostic paradigm for thyroid that is so outdated and it allows people to be disabled. So that's like the foundation. My true thing, if I had to like hone in would be. Can we believe women in medicine? Can we believe them that they are tired, that they're actually physically exhausted? Can we believe them when they say, well, but listen, I'm really eating pretty well. Like I'm walking. I'm moving my body like, this is not a diet exercise issue. Can we can we just believe women? Because it really is. Again, you break down that central core piece of a family and you don't hear them, believe them, take them seriously and help them. And it trickles down to our entire society.

Gina: [00:10:52] Yeah, yeah, I remember going to the doctor and they're like, well, you just need to get more sleep. Really? How much more sleep can you get? Well, you just need to eat better, right? Really? I grow my own. I, we raise our own garden every year. Like I eat my. Like. I just don't know what more you want from me. Seriously, right? I mean.

McCall: [00:11:08] I have patients who are like, I've been on Whole30 for nine months and I've been trying to lose the same £9. And I'm just like, yeah, you're Lord, what can like what can you doctor expect this woman to do that would legitimize her plight in your viewpoint?

Gina: [00:11:26] Yeah. You one saying that you have that I absolutely love is that we can't do better until we feel better. And we must feel better first. And.

McCall: [00:11:34] Amen.

Gina: [00:11:35] You go to. And I've done it for years too. I go to doctor and they're just like, you know what? You just got to start moving more. You just got to start doing these things. You just got to start doing all these. And it's like, really? I can't get my butt off the couch. You don't. I can hardly.

McCall: [00:11:47] Just get pants on right every day and get out of bed. Yeah. No. I am a firm believer. One of the core foundational pieces of modern thyroid clinic in our care for people. And I know you've experienced this is we do not ask you to do hard things until we give you the energy, the capacity and the motivation to do them. So the foundation of people's recovery in our practice is essentially 0% lifestyle work. And honestly, we give people back their lives like 75% of the way that we give them back their lives is is our job. Like they can take that and build from it and feel even better, but it is not dependent on people eating paleo and exercising five days a week. No, like this is a biochemical issue that needs to be fixed by a professional. And is that professionals job to fix it? It is not the patients.

Gina: [00:12:40] I love that that was one of the things that I loved about you, because I know by the time I found you, I was completely broken. I mean, I, I had pretty much just wrote off doctors and like, whatever, I'll just stay at this dose the rest of my life. I'm not going back. Um, they tell me the same dang thing every time they tell me I'm fine to get over it. And I'm not like. And by the time I found you, I didn't even have a thyroid anymore. And and so. And here they are, you know. Fine. We'll just give you a little more level, like, just have a little more just we'll just give you. I mean, it was up to 200mg at this point. Um.

McCall: [00:13:13] The medical trauma.

Gina: [00:13:14] You know, it is it's it was complete medical trauma and and and it's real. It it is a big deal. Um. Let's talk about why functional medicine? Because that to me was the changing, the changing day. That to me that was when it was like, oh my gosh, there's such a different approach here with functional medicine. So yeah, tell me your approach on that.

McCall: [00:13:37] You know, some things that I love about functional medicine are it's pretty heavily based on biochemistry. You know, what we used to think of as integrative medicine? I love that too. But it's less biochemistry based. And you know me like I am heavy in the biochemistry sector. Like for me, these people symptoms are absolutely explainable. They're fixable. They're controllable biochemically, you know, and that's what I found to be true in our practice. Um, so I love that. But also, you know, I think medicine traditionally does a decent job of managing disease. It does a very poor job at creating health. And that's where the balance of functional medicine comes in. You know, um, and the flip side of that coin is, I think what we've taken in functional medicine and done to the consumer as like a health person, as a patient, we have put too much expectation on patients. We I think a lot of functional medicine goes off the rails and they expect people to eat perfect and, you know, completely eradicate every chemical in their house or move out of their house and get a new house and, you know, take 50 supplements a day. And I think that has spiraled out of control. And I'm hoping that we're coming back more into an era of balance. But and so I try to create that in our practice at Modern Thyroid Clinic and facilitate that level of balance for people.

Gina: [00:14:59] You know, that's one thing that I loved about you, because I agree with that 100%. We're not going to eradicate every little you know, nor should we.

McCall: [00:15:07] you have to.Like our bodies.Should deal with that, you know, if it's managing. Okay.

Gina: [00:15:12] Exactly. That's been my point from the beginning. It was like, you know what? You hear all these things and you got to do this and be afraid of this. And it just brings in this fear factor of, oh my gosh, I'm never going to be able to get out of this hole that I've dug myself into. And so somehow my fault that I've done all these things, that is like it's just this vicious cycle and.

McCall: [00:15:30] It creates hopelessness and fear, and we don't have to live that way. I really do believe. That our practice proves that, like, you don't have to do everything perfect to feel well. You should be able to live a reasonably balanced life and feel well if these core pillars are in place.

Gina: [00:15:53] Absolutely. I agree with you 100%. So let's talk a little bit about, for a little bit how a mismanaged thyroid care can affect the overall care of a person. We're talking about all these different things. But um, how does that affect the overall health of a person? I know for me, in my situation, I mean, I was looking at they're telling me I need high blood pressure medicine, and they're telling me I need to, you know, go. And they're just like putting Band-Aids on all of these little things. When the thing that I realized in the last year is I didn't need a bandaid on any of them, I needed the right thyroid care, and it took care of all the other things. So.

McCall: [00:16:28] And then I could not have said that better myself. Like so. I was 27 when they tried to put me on Lipitor. You know, I was probably I was probably not by regular medicine standards, overweight, but I was probably £10 over where I should be. I did not have a cholesterol problem. I had a poorly managed thyroid problem that if I could just fix that, everything else would be fine. And that's the thing is, you want to get the foundational pieces in order so that they protect your long time health. And poorly managed, unmanaged thyroid conditions lead to high cholesterol. They lead to pre-diabetes really early. Early on diabetes. They lead to what I describe in my patient population as a loss of metabolic potency. So your metabolism over time loses its ability to function. And then people can eat Whole30 for nine months and exercise five days a week, and they cannot lose weight. And that goes back to again, we have to believe women, you know, um, and then ultimately, I mean, I think about my own personal case. I, I would be on disability by now if someone hadn't intervened in my life. And I am a very high functioning member of society, mother, stepmother, all the things you know, and I would be bed bound at this point. So, you know, not only would that affect me, the economy of my family, uh, it would have affected thousands of other people's lives by now. But you know it again. It just leaches out into every aspect of people's lives.

Gina: [00:18:02] You know, when I found you, I actually had to pat myself on the back because I thought, you know, you have been functioning at such a low level for so long and running a business and taking care of your family and doing all the things to the. It wasn't easy, but I just remember thinking, you know what? You have to pat yourself on the back, you know, and, and I and I realized that when I met you because before I thought, well, it's just not enough. I just need to do more. I just need to. And it totally switched my way of thinking of like, what a badass you are. And I mean that, like, seriously, it's like, yes, you have done it all these years, even without the care that you needed. And you and I know I started talking earlier about your course that you have. I was going to tell you. And then I got sidetracked. There was a point in the class where you talk about the thyroid and how it works. And, and I remember this day very prominently because your class, you have you have a scheduled. So they drip out once a week. So you get a class once a week and you get to go, you know, get all that in and then we go get our blood drawn. It's a great class. So maybe we can throw that in at the end. If you're opening that up again I don't know how you're doing that or what that looks like. But anyway, I remember that day very specifically because it was the day where you talked about how the thyroid actually works, and you talked about how the brain's involved in it and all of this process. And honestly, it took me like three days to watch that video. It had been out for some reason. I just couldn't wrap my head around it. And I realized afterwards why? Because when I finally watched it, I was so angry and it was years and years of anger that came out. I was like, are you kidding me? Yeah. It's that feeling. That's kind of what I wanted.

McCall: [00:19:41] People this badly.

Gina: [00:19:43] Right? It was like, it's that easy. I was so mad. And I remember because I was supposed to be teaching a class right then, like. And I had just finished watching this, and my husband's like, what is your problem? And I'm down in the living room, raging back and forth in my living room, bawling, sobbing, going, you gotta be kidding me. This is it. This is the key component that I needed, and it's been right in front of me all this time. 22 years. I was even yelling 22 years of this, like. And so it was such a relieving moment, yet frustrating moment because I thought, why do more people not understand how this works? Because a.Men.There's a process, there's a process.

McCall: [00:20:23] It's a solvable problem, you know, and it's not I mean, it is predictably controllable. And that's the thing. It's like people are like, why have all these thyroid problems? And this is my problem. This is. I'm like, listen, there is no thyroid problem we can't solve. This is not a mystery. We are not guessing. We do not have. We are not missing information. When you get how to do it and treat someone and heal them, it is replicatable over and over and over and over again and really uniquely, we've cracked the code, you know? I mean, I really do believe that. And my goal in my life now is, hey, I want to decrease the amount of time it takes women to figure out that there is another way to do this, because 22 years is too damn long. You know?

Gina: [00:21:15] It is too damn long.

McCall: [00:21:17] It's key years with your kids, with your family like that women are missing out on and and we are pushing through in masses to the point that women have no idea what they're supposed to feel like anymore. Like by the time they come to see us, they have no standard concept. You know, conceivable idea of what optimal is like. I have to be like, okay, we've cleaned up all these things. This is what I want you to compare it to from now on, because it's been so long since they felt like themselves.

Gina: [00:21:48] Yeah. And and I love that about you, because one of the questions that I was asked when I went in to get care was, what do you want your optimal life to look like? And most of us don't even know because we don't have literally we don't have a clue what that even feels like at this point. Um, you know, I was talking to my daughter, and, you know, she works with you, so you know her. She's got some complex issues going on there as well. And we were both talking about how heavy your legs feel when your thyroid is out of control. And that's something that nobody really talks about. But you like get up and you just feel so heavy every day. It feels like it takes this excruciating amount of energy just to do the simplest things in life. And her and I, she's like, mom, that is one of the worst things. But we were talking about how good it feels to start coming out of that too, and start getting the right doses and start getting those, um, you know, those things under control. So what? Let's talk a little bit about what are the you mentioned earlier about the proper blood tests? Um, because usually when you go to a doctor, you know, they'll run a TSH, some of them might run a T4 if you're lucky, like, yeah, and that's pretty much it, like, but they'll run your cholesterol and they'll run all your other stuff to make sure that that's good. Like, oh yeah. And they'll, and they'll like just kind of graze over that part and let's, let's treat this like so let's talk about the proper thyroid test because this is very important. This is why this is so important.

McCall: [00:23:19] It is so important. And you cannot stroll into your doctor's office casually expecting them to run all the right tests. Because let me tell you, there is a 99.99999% chance that they will not so, and I will. I know we mentioned this in our conversation previously, but I do have a thyroid lab guide that tells people what labs they need and what they mean. I'll share the link with you so you can post it in the show notes. Yep. So they'll have it in black and white. So no one needs to stress if they're listening to this in their car. Um, but basically what the standard approach is, is checking TSH, which is actually a hormone from your brain that stimulates your thyroid. It's your thyroid stimulating hormone. To diagnose and treat people with a thyroid condition and manage their medication. It is just wildly unable to be diagnostic, and it's impossible to be used as a treatment guideline for people if they are on any form. And this is so important if you are on any form of T4, which those medications are levothyroxine, synthroid unit levoxyl tyrosine, those are all T4 based medications. The moment someone takes that class of medication, their TSH is completely, completely. Useless. I mean, it needs to be a factor, but you cannot in any way use that to gauge their status and then also their T4. So bonus if you get TSH and T4, your doctor checks both.

McCall: [00:24:45] If you are on a T4 based medication, that is useless because the worse you are at using that medication, the better those two labs look. It manipulates your lab data in a way to repeatedly, over and over and over tell your doctor, oh my gosh, her her thyroid labs look great and it's because you're not able to use that T4 medication. So instead of using it, activating it, converting it to your other more important hormone free T3, which you also need. It's all just sitting there in this unusable form. It's what I give an analogy of crude oil and gasoline for, you know, we're yeah, we're giving people levothyroxine and synthroid all crude oil. The problem is massive amount of people don't have the tools and the equipment to convert it to gasoline. And if you don't have gasoline, you're not going anywhere in your car. So to make matters worse, we're only checking TSH and their free T3, their crude oil hormone. So again it makes no sense. So in total you need TSH free T4, free T3 and reverse T3. And that's just your function. Every single person should also be being screened for Hashimoto's which is TPO and Thyroglobulin antibodies. But again people will go 30 years without ever getting screened for Hashimoto's for their thyroid problem. It's it's crazy.

Gina: [00:26:03] It is crazy. You know, looking back, I'm pretty sure that that was probably the beginning of mine was probably there was probably some Hashimoto's or something going on. Like there absolutely had to be. Um, but that was never tested for like, I was just, you know what? Fine. You're good, you're good. Go home. What is your problem? Right. Eat less, move more. Right, right. It's a perfect no. None of that works in any of this situation. So. Yes. Um, so what advice would you give to someone who thinks that they have a thyroid issue today? I love this question because.

McCall: [00:26:38] So you have to be and this is the reason I created that course. You have to be an informed, empowered consumer of your health care, a driver of your health care. You cannot put your trust in your doctor if you think you have a thyroid problem and believe the labs they are checking, the ranges they are using. When they come back and tell you it's not a thyroid problem, listen, you do not under any circumstances believe them. If you think you have a thyroid problem, if it walks like a duck, it quacks like a duck. It looks like a duck. Guess what? It's a duck. You know, if you've got all those signs and symptoms, the likelihood is, hey, you have a very common, very fixable condition that medicine has not mastered. How to diagnose yet or determine your dose of medication and if your medicine is even working for you. So my biggest thing is do not just blindly trust your clinician. You have to dig in deep. And I know that's hard when you're really foggy and tired, but it is worth it. And so that's why I freely release all the information I release. I freely share my labs. I freely share my lab ranges so that people can know what's happening with their thyroid without depending on someone else. That's probably operating on an antiquated model.

Gina: [00:27:54] Yeah, absolutely. And I know for me that was one of the biggest. That's one of the hardest things, I think, is even when you do learn, even when I went and I took your class and I learned all these things, trying to go convince someone that I need them to change my medicine or do something different, or because I remember even when I first started seeing you and I said, I finally I did find a lady this year who has been very helpful. She was at least willing to try. I remember, but she didn't understand the dosage and she didn't understand. And I was trying to figure it out and I was trying to like, manage it and do. And it was it was so overwhelming. But I remember talking to you because I knew that I needed the T3, but she gave me one of the highest doses of she gave you.

McCall: [00:28:36] Ten times the dose you were supposed to be on. I will not forget that.

Gina: [00:28:40] Yes. And I remember talking to you and you said you were taking how much? And I kept going back to her and telling her I have overwhelming anxiety. And she's like, well, you should probably just go away. And I and I it's not I shouldn't say it like that about her because I was grateful that she was helping. Right. She just didn't understand. She was trying didn't understand that nobody takes that much T3, I didn't. That dose of.

McCall: [00:29:02] Medication shouldn't even exist. Like it should not even be in existence.

Gina: [00:29:07] No. And so yeah, that's another one of the big the big issues is even after you understand how this all works, getting the proper care. Um.

McCall: [00:29:16] And that is why Modern Thyroid Clinic is expanding nationwide.

Gina: [00:29:19] That is why you are here.

McCall: [00:29:21] I know that is why we're changing that narrative so that it's not the case anymore. People need to have access, and it is impossible to find someone that knows what they're doing and is. Able to do it. Even your precious clinician tried her best, but it is very complicated and nuanced, and it requires someone that really understands those nuances. And I know one other person in the country outside of us that knows how to do it. So we've got to expand access. So that's what we're working on.

Gina: [00:29:55] Well, that's what you have done. Let's, let's talk about let's talk about what you're doing, because I think it is so freaking remarkable. Um, you know, and I've been I've signed up my daughter to work directly with you this year. Um, she needed she needed you in a big way. My whole family has needed you in a big way. But because I found you, you have so many avenues of ways to work with you. So let's talk about that a little bit, because I think it's so cool what you're doing. Um, I think it's just amazing. So let's talk about your business. Let's talk about your expanding all over the place because.

McCall: [00:30:27] Yes, yes. So, you know, Modern Thyroid Clinic is just a safe haven for people who can't find answers for their thyroid and hormones. I mean, we deal with hormones, we deal with metabolic issues. So it's not just thyroid, but basically 100% of our people are thyroid patients. Um, it is our mission to take people with even the most complex disorders and give them back their lives. So, um, and obviously this is a big, big problem. And what ended up happening was, hey, you know, my social media blew up overnight, essentially, and all of these people needed help. I've had people flying in from out of state over all across the world for years, but on on a level that it took them 40 hours of research to find me. Well, now, you know, I'm a little bit more front and center in the social media sector of things. And so there's a lot of people looking for our help, and not all of them are able to fly to Texas to see us. So I want women, I want families to function at their highest level. And so we are taking access and expanding it nationwide. We are rolling out new states almost on a monthly basis at this point. Um, right now, you know, as of, you know, February, March, we're in Texas, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada, Montana, Utah, Florida. Um, we'll be in California, Ohio, Illinois next very soon. I probably left a state out, maybe Arizona or there. Um, but we are trying to remove the barriers for people. Like, we just want you guys to have access to help and find it as quickly and easily as possible.

Gina: [00:32:04] I think it's so amazing that you have grown that much. And you there's one thing that I really love about you is because I know the lady that I was seeing, she was interested in working with you, but she does not. She's not a thyroid patient. And I didn't realize that about you, that you hire people who are thyroid patients themselves because you do not want somebody sitting here telling them to get over it, because we're past that. We're and they need to have that compassion for them and understand what it's like to totally be on the bed and have zero desire to get up and do anything but yet you've still got to do life. And so you're just kind of mediocrely functioning through life. So I love that about you, because all of your, all of your people know what it's like to live in this world.

McCall: [00:32:46] You not only are clinicians, I think 100% of our staff have their lives have been touched directly with a thyroid disorder. And so the level of empathy that people experience in our practice is extremely high. I mean, um, we are honestly part of what we do is we are trying to reverse the medical trauma of years and decades of women not being believed, you know, because that just is not the case here. Um, and I should mention, you know, for those of people who can't be our patients, who aren't our patients, I try to offer so much education like I free on I mean, I just share open book so much online any time I can, any platform I can. And then of course, I've got like my thyroid empowered course. It is open again. I've reopened it, um, which I'll tell everybody. It's like, uh, it takes you through exactly what how your thyroid works. What's going on? What is Hashimoto's, what you can do to improve it? Exercise, lifestyle, hormones, adrenals like literally everything. And it culminates with you get labs and then you get your labs interpreted and we send you away with a plan. We don't prescribe medication because that's a, you know, you have to become my patient, our patient for that. But we do send you away with a very specific written plan. We review your labs. Now, the only thing that's changed since you participated in the program is it won't be me reviewing labs anymore. It will be another clinician for Modern Thyroid Clinic. But she's amazing. Her name is Morgan. She's, like, incredible. Um, but that's that's it. I really am taking my focus on trying to expand access for people nationwide, and it's kind of a big undertaking.

Gina: [00:34:24] Well, I'm glad I got to meet directly with you, so I'm glad I did it when I did. And not that I'm sure this lady is fabulous. Don't don't let me think that. Don't let anybody think. Because anybody. Your hire has been fabulous. So. But it was just so cool to be able to sit with you and go, oh my gosh, no, listen to me, Gina. There's some this is some big issues. We need to work through this. Like, this is this is huge.

McCall: [00:34:45] So it was such a sacred thing for me. Like I built that. I did every single piece of it myself. Every question, every email, every tech issue was like it came to me. People were so shocked when I'd respond, they're like, you don't have a team for this. I'm like, no, not yet. Like, I just made this. I'm just trying to get you guys information out there, you know? Yeah. Um, it really is. It's it was a special experience for me, and I'm glad it lives on.

Gina: [00:35:10] It does, it lives on, and it needs to live on because that literally was that was the wake up moment for me. Yeah, that was one of those moments. And that was a the changing moment in my life when I realized I was right and they were wrong.

McCall: [00:35:26] And it was not in your head.

Gina: [00:35:28] It was not in my head. And it was such an empowering moment. I had a lot of healing work to do through that, I won't lie, because when you got, you know, 22 years behind you of being told to get over it, and that's all we can do for you, and we don't know what else to do for you. At least they're being honest. I've had doctors tell me, we'll take your thyroid out, but we won't treat you for your medicine anymore. You got to go to your primary care physician to go get that. They don't even know you. Seriously? Like it's such a nightmare for people in this world to just try and get some decent care. So I'm so grateful to you and your team. I'm so grateful that you're out there. I'm so grateful that you're like, you're all over the you're all over like, um, so how can people find you? Let's talk about that.

McCall: [00:36:13] Yeah. So you can find me at Modern Therapy But you my favorite place to be. You already know where that is. It's TikTok. I'm so biased. I love TikTok, so I try to do TikTok lives. And now I'm also doing Instagram Live same time every week. Um, to answer questions like I just am available for people to ask questions, even down to their labs. It's the only time outside of my thyroid empowered course that I will do some quick. That one's a quick lab interpretation, no plan or anything. Um, so you can find me on Instagram at McCall McPherson PA, at TikTok, at McCall McPherson, or always, if you want to dig deep and you're not ready to take the plunge as a patient, look up my Thyroid Empowered Course, which is at, and I will also move it over to as well.

Gina: [00:36:58] Yay! Yeah, the course is amazing. So if you're just interested, if you're thinking, you know what, I need to figure this out or I need to, the course is so explanation. It gives you everything that you need to help you become that empowered soul that you need. You absolutely have to become your own best advocate in this world to do this work. I'm telling you, like, um. And I'm just grateful to be with you now. No, I don't have to worry about interpreting my labs anymore. I don't have to worry about going and fighting for. I felt like I had to, like, put on my my gear to go into the doctor's office like, no, this is what I want.

McCall: [00:37:32] You are not kidding or exaggerating. You know, you gotta put on your suit of armor just to get a little bit of access to health care. Yeah, well.

Gina: [00:37:41] And I'm going to boast on you just a little bit more, because people need to know how amazing you and your team are. Um, you know, I've set in my own initial setup meeting now with I work with Hillary, and, um, my daughter has worked with you, and I set in on her first call. I have never in my life been to any doctor's visit or any visit for that, where we spend a complete hour going over your past and where you have been and what you've been through and the things, because it all plays a role in in all of it. You know, it's not just these little bits and pieces and parts all over the place. It's everything that comes together. So to me, that was one of to be able to have that time dedicated to just figuring me out. Yeah. My daughter out, like was life changing, like to me. I walked out of there and I even remember going and telling my husband, I have never been in anything like that. Nobody has ever asked that many questions. Nobody has ever cared that much to realize that, you know what? We got to figure out the whole we need all the pieces. We need all the pieces. So, so.

McCall: [00:38:49] True. And, you know, medicine is built on an eight-minute model. Like, you can't solve complex problems in eight minutes. And and people ask why we don't take insurance. That's why. Because if we did, we'd have to spend eight minutes with you and we wouldn't be able to do our job. You wouldn't be informed or empowered. You wouldn't even be able to participate in the decision making process, you know, and we've that's sacred for us. And so we protect that time and. Yeah.

Gina: [00:39:18] Well, and then your online portal too as well. Um, you know, after the meeting, you get this whole ride out of everything that you need to do, and so you don't have to set and, you know, think, oh my gosh, did she say to take it on Tuesdays or was it on like, we don't do any of that. We're, you know, you go to the doctor and they're like, you need to go home and do this. And there you go. And I'll see you next time. And like, shoving you out the door. Right. You know, a couple of days later, you got this whole ride out in your portal that. Yeah, people are furiously taking notes.

McCall: [00:39:47] I'm like, listen, you don't even need to worry about any of this. You're going to get the longest list of instructions you've ever seen that's literally going to take you day by day, play by play. Nothing will be left off, you know?

Gina: [00:39:59] Yeah. Even the days that you take your medicine, the days that you up your doses. Like I love how you do it all. So, McCall, I appreciate you so much for your being here with me today. And I appreciate your time. I just want you to know that I know you are a very busy lady, but I feel honored to have you here today. And I know that you are making a difference in so many people's lives. So thank you for all your work. Thank you for all that you do. And now I'm going to cry because literally.

McCall: [00:40:24] Literally be crying with you. Well, you know what? Thank you for taking the time and creating a voice for so many women. It is millions of women who are suffering and they are lost and they don't know what to do. And you putting this together so beautifully for them gives them a voice and a path and hope for healing. So thank you for sharing.

Gina: [00:40:46] Well, thank you. It's because of you that we're all here, but I appreciate everything that you have done and I appreciate you in my life. So grateful for you. Thank you for taking the time to be here today. Oh all right. Well, that will be all for today. I hope you've all enjoyed this. We'll have all of this stuff in the show notes. We've talked about a whole lot of things today, but you guys will get a nice little rundown in the show notes if you missed anything. So thank you so much for being here today, and we will see you all on the next podcast episode.

McCall: [00:41:16] Bye, guys.

Gina: [00:41:21] Thank you so much for tuning in and listening today. I sincerely hope that you enjoyed this podcast. I would love to hear from you. You can reach out to me by email at You can find me on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok as Gina Strole Intuitive Healing. You can also find the full podcast videos on my YouTube channel as Gina Strole Intuitive Healing. If you are interested in working with me, or you would like more information about any of the healing programs that I offer, you can find that information on my website at And of course, don't forget that sharing is caring. Share this podcast with a friend and help spread the healing energy around the world. Thank you for listening and joining me today, and I can't wait to connect up with you again.